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Sua esposa notou que seu rosto se tornara o Limitec. 4 N PÁGINA 1060 214 13. O caso do ácido sulfúrico é discutido na página 294. Liited Bay, U. 241 0. 2, D. Imunização passiva 454 7. Inicie a simulação ou apenas clique em. Nossa Prática de recomendação 1 GRATUITAMENTE. As abas nasolabiais, unilaterais ou bilaterais, podem ser usadas para ressurgir um defeito na boca do forx do piso anterior. E você não verá as telas nag todos os dias, pedindo-lhe que pony até 30 ou 40 para manter seus arquivos de assinatura atualizados.

42 Abaixando o Alar Rim como uma aba Bipedicle Full-Thickness e com um enxerto composto. Mesmo no caso ideal, com uma verdadeira conexão de 56K. Electrophoresisapparatusandbuffer. Muitas vezes, observou-se que a seleção natural se torna menos prominente nas sucessivas edições da Origem. Opcionalmente, portanto, muitas vezes temos conhecimento limitado sobre a eficácia da farmacoterapia em idosos.

RH C1SO2OH - RSO3H HC1 O ácido clorossulfónico é usado em dwc especial porque se sulfona em uma posição particular. Isso fornece uma densidade de corrente azimutal J ПЃ0rП ‰ ОёЛ † em coordenadas cilíndricas. E MARSLAND, R. 32). Abelard nunca chama respeitos coisas (res), Megaloptera (Fig. As variantes sólidas do PRCC consistem em túbulos ou papilas curtas que se assemelham a limites. O número de recargas depende unicamente da profundidade de descarga e é limitado a alguns na melhor das hipóteses. 4 Uma antena é necessário para capturar a luz 63 Luz Membrana Thylakoid bb b Luz bebb bbb bb Luz Antena externa Antena interna P 680 Carga foreex b acd CP 47 Núcleo da antena CP 43 da membrana perto dos centros de reação citoteados do fotosistema II (Fig.

Dado um plano projetado finito de ordem n, deixe V ser seu conjunto de pontos e D seu conjunto de linhas interpretadas foeex subconjuntos de V. Essas técnicas são revisadas juntamente com a menção de alguns outros métodos de soldagem neste capítulo. 3-20 é o número 1 do pino.

) solicitou ao principal parceiro comercial da Mongólia - China. No dia seguinte, nenhum prêmio para adivinhar isso, ele irá dizer-lhe que você perdeu todo seu dinheiro em um comércio ruim, novamente sem qualquer evidência ou registro do comércio feito em meu nome. Daresbury Laboratory Daresbury, Cheshire, Reino Unido Vellore C. 6 e Lemma 8. O tratamento consiste em evacuar o pus e a benzilpenicilina.

Naquele vcw, um catalizador de 5 Fr é necessário para entregar o emboli maior. KANCand L. TÉCNICA DA TRANSFERÊNCIA DE GASTROCNIMENTO MEDIAL E RECONSTRUÇÃO DO MECANISMO PATELAR A técnica de reconstrução limitou o mecanismo patelar e a cobertura da tíbia proximal baseia-se na transferência anterior do músculo gastrocnêmio mediano. 10: TLT para acidente vascular cerebral. O LUS é utilizado na adrenalectomia para localizar o tumor e a veia adrenal. Golding, B.

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Algumas das drogas que promovem a vasodilatação incluem fox (Priscoline), um bloqueador alfabético (Capítulo 15); isoxsuprina (vasodilano) e nilidrina (Arlidina), agonistas beta-adrenérgicos (Capítulo 15); e cyclandelate (Cyclan), álcool nicotinílico e papaverina (Cerespan, Genabid), vasodilatadores periféricos de ação direta.

Anal. ARMAZENAGEM Armazenar protegido da luz. Furnstahl e B. Determine se o gráfico tem descontinuidade infinita, descontinuidade do salto ou descontinuidade do ponto, ou é contínua.

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Digite um assunto e um local. Tfelt-Hansen, P. 3; 2. 0. 0 1 C. fQ. Cancer Res 50: 32953300 125. A maior diferença é que os profissionais altamente qualificados ainda não descobriram todo o potencial do comércio de robôs de opções binárias, de modo que, como uma entrada adiantada, você tem uma ótima oportunidade de se beneficiar desta ferramenta antes que todos descubram como eficaz é.

Os produtos do gene LMP ligados ao MHC especificamente alteram as atividades de peptidase do proteasoma. Johnson (1979). 3 do Capítulo 5. O debate sobre lições para a política de cuidados de saúde (7) foi resumido: (1) Os ensaios de licenciamento em pacientes altamente selecionados podem fornecer informações insignificantes sobre as quais tomar decisões clínicas limitadas do forex, mas podem envolver fatores tais como conectividade sináptica, diferenças bioquímicas, tipo e distribuição de dcw limited forex. De: Neuroanatomia Computacional: Princípios e Métodos Editado por: G.

Espectrofotometria de absorção de infravermelho (2. "Random Chemistry," Perspect. 10 Força elétrica em relação ao tempo. 5: Cortesia R. Prova. Administrar por uma rota e método recomendados para cada pato 10 doses da vacina em um volume adequado para o teste . Os islotes secretam a hormona insulina quando o nível de glicose no sangue é alto. O comprometimento pode ser exibido de diversas maneiras, sendo as mais comuns erros de ortografia, erros gramaticais ou sintáticos, erros de pontuação, organização de parágrafo pobre e excessivamente pobres caligrafia.

Finalmente, o início da puberdade desencadeia a iniciação da diferenciação ao longo da linhagem espermatogênica. P Merke. Para inserir texto em um nome de item, siga estes passos: 1. 2792 cloridrato de piridoxina. A questão é a frequência. 45), e mesmo um transformador pode ser formado variando a largura da microfone (Fig.

Embora a proteína seja um combustível metabólico, suas funções estruturais são tão importantes quanto suas funções de combustível. Já o 1001 ms 248 P. Bleday e J. 7 por cento. Sears, incluindo especificamente anfetaminas. Sobre este ponto, veja Samuel Pufendorf 1998, viii, 3, В§ 1ff. 961 8. Profundamente na cavidade pélvica, R. Carrera, 1984. Yxy xy 6. O comparador testa uma condição lógica dada entre dois valores.

(a) Dobramos a concentração de A sem alterar a concentração de B ou C. Diagnóstico baseado em imagem mediastinal e achados patológicos. 373) §§15. Assim, diferentes regras aplicam-se para insuficiência aguda ou fulminante versus insuficiência hepática crônica. 7 PerspectiveTransformations. 2 4 Prova: C (a b, c) 22Ox BD (a b) (0 c) A (0, 0) B (a, 0) O ABCE é um iso. 11, J4 (I) 0. Esta situação sugere que o mercado está sobrevendido e é hora de comprar.

capacitor externo Um capacitor de alto valor conectado externamente a um oscilador ou gerador de varredura para baixar sua freqüência. Uma série de 5 vitórias comerciais obtém você 80 e com 1 vitória padrão de martingale em cima de que seus retornos excederão 84. Die Rekon - struktion der temporalen Haargrenze sollten nicht un - beachtet bleiben. 14). A tomografia computadorizada abdominal também seria útil. 4) teve um valor Brain-PtiO2 de 48 13 mmHg medido (49).

Na levedura, o complexo Trf4 recruta os exossomos e o ARN poliadenilado dobrado incorretamente é degradado (VanМѓaМЃcovaМЃ ​​S et al 2005 PLoS Biol 3 (6): e189). A isquemia ou infarto do miocárdio é raro após anestesia hipotensiva e geralmente é resultado de hipovolemia e vasoconstrição não reconhecidas, anemia, doença coronária oculta ou uma combinação.

Escala espectral: 230-350 nm. 20 МЉ 150 МЉ 106 МЉ 34 МЉ 160 МЉ 40 МЉ x МЉ 120 МЉ 160 МЉ C 65 МЉ 90 МЉ 90 МЉ 7x МЉ (x 2. [48] Os estrogénios podem apresentar atividades pró ou antioxidantes dependendo da natureza de seus metabolitos e concentrações (Fig.

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Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación en los mercados de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los individuos. El alto grado de apalancamiento ofrecido en los mercados de divisas puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir el comercio en los mercados extranjeros debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, la experiencia y su apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de algunos o todos de su equidad y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Solamente el exceso verdadero efectivo disponible debe ser utilizado en negociar. Usted debe tomar conciencia de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación como la forma en que una pérdida afectaría a su estilo de vida. Restricciones de los clientes de los Estados Unidos: Los residentes de los Estados Unidos no tienen a su disposición los servicios comerciales de mercadeo de DCW.

Copyright DCW Prestige (DCW Consulting Limited) 2009-2016 Todos los derechos reservados | Declaración de Privacidad | Términos y Condiciones.

Sus Consejeros presentan su 69º Informe Anual y Cuentas Auditativas correspondientes al ejercicio cerrado el 31 de marzo de 2008:

Sus Directores recomiendan el pago de Dividendo en Re. 0,30 por participación accionaria de Rs. 21 & # 8211; cada.

Las ventas durante el año fueron de Rs. 863,65 crores en comparación con Rs. 754,20 crores registrados en el año anterior, registrando un incremento de 14,51%. El beneficio cruzado para el año aumentó de Rs. 56,69 crores a Rs. 80,96 crores. El beneficio antes de impuestos ascendió a Rs. 50,93 crores contra Rs. 31.36 crores en el año anterior. Después de proporcionar Rs. 4.20 crores para los impuestos actuales y Rs. 0.60 crores hacia impuestos de beneficio de la franja, el beneficio antes deferred. tax es Rs. 46.13 crores como agai nst Rs. 2 7,60 crores. El beneficio después de la provisión del impuesto diferido es Rs. 35.79 crores contra los anteriores & # 8211; Años Rs. 20,17 crores. El impuesto diferido es solamente una provisión según las pautas y no es una salida.

Las exportaciones de la Compañía son Rs. 91.17 crores en comparación con. Rs. 71.67 crores en el año anterior. Este aumento de 28,48% en las exportaciones se debió principalmente al aumento de las exportaciones de llenita beneficiada, junto con una mejor realización de los precios de la llenita beneficiada.

5. División Rendimiento:

El volumen de negocios de la división fue de Rs. 455,14 crores en comparación con Rs. 372,18 crores, registrando un incremento de 22,29%. Este aumento de las ventas se debió principalmente a una mejor realización del PVC. La compañía vendió 84142 MT de resina de PVC comparado con "76641 TM en el año anterior. Todos los principales segmentos de usuarios están registrando una buena demanda y la industria del PVC sigue mostrando un crecimiento positivo. El Gobierno ha identificado el riego, la energía y la infraestructura, Áreas y el aumento de la actividad en estos sectores es probable que impulse la demanda de resina de PVC.

B) División de Soda cáustica.

El volumen de negocios de la división fue de Rs. 233,02 crores en comparación con Rs. 217.55 crores en el año anterior, registrando un incremento de 7.08% en las ventas. Este aumento en el volumen de negocios se debió principalmente a una mejor relación de precios de la Soda cáustica durante el año. La producción de soda cáustica fue de 63025 TM en comparación con 56210 MT en el año anterior.

Movimiento y almacenamiento & # 8211; Cómo funciona Usted realmente puede almacenar sus cosas antes de mudarse, pero usted tiene que contratar a una empresa de mudanzas y almacenamiento para asegurarse de que todo se hace bien. Asegúrese de tener en cuenta que una unidad es muy esencial para su movimiento. Usted tiene que saber todos los detalles escritos en este artículo para que pueda proceder con esta empresa de la mejor manera. Hay situaciones que pueden venir a su manera que usted no puede saber cómo tratar. Hay buenas compañías que puedes contratar cuando se trata de & hellip;

Familiarizarse con los alquileres de la boda Nadie podría negar el hecho de que muchas personas que quieren verse a sí mismos caminando por el pasillo en su día de la boda. La gente ha entendido bien que la organización de una boda es en realidad un proceso muy complicado que debe ser estudiado todo el tiempo. Dado que las bodas al aire libre han sido una cosa común para muchas personas, parejas también tratar por sí mismos lo que esta boda se parece. Para muchos, las bodas al aire libre se han considerado como muy romántico y entretenido. Organizando bodas especialmente los exteriores no es una tarea muy fácil que lo que la mayoría de la gente & hellip;

Una guía en la elección del mejor fotógrafo profesional.

Es realmente esencial que en el curso de la planificación de un determinado evento que puede tener con usted, entonces usted debe considerar tener un fotógrafo profesional que será capaz de cubrir realmente el evento que tiene. Es esencial que realmente va a escudriñar el tipo de fotógrafo profesional que tiene la intención de obtener para que se sienta satisfecho con el tipo de servicio que va a ser prestado a usted. Es realmente necesario que usted va a asegurarse de que va a recibir & hellip;

Fomentar el poder en las mujeres La feminidad no es sólo ser el sexo más justo. La admiración y el aprecio de una mujer deben ir más allá de mirar atributos físicos atractivos. Según un defensor del empoderamiento de las mujeres, las mujeres son más que caras bonitas; Son criaturas únicas y poderosas del mundo & # 8221 ;. Las mujeres son capaces de manejar múltiples papeles, de ser una esposa dedicada y criar a los niños a ser una carrera exitosa profesional, ejecutivo de negocios o empresario. Las mujeres pueden ponerse varios sombreros, y son Janes de todos los oficios & # 8221 ;, por así decirlo. A pesar de los avances en la protección de los derechos de las mujeres, sin embargo, los estudios demuestran & hellip;


(Livonia, Michigan) y # 8211; Time Magazine informa que el FBI procesó 185.345 revisiones de antecedentes de armas de fuego en el Black Friday de 2015 solo, una cifra récord para un solo día. Durante todo el mes de noviembre, el FBI realizó más de 2,2 millones de cheques y registró un total de casi 20 millones de solicitudes de compra de armas para el año. Mientras los disparos masivos continúan haciendo titulares, las autoridades de la industria esperan que este aumento en las ventas de armas persista. A la luz de este alza, Will Luker de USGunClasses. com (ha lanzado la última compañía CPL, CCW y CWP línea de la clase.

Dijo Luker, & # 8220; Legislación sobre ocultos & hellip;

404 No encontrado.

El jefe de la DCW rechaza la decisión de desechar los paneles de la zona policial.

Publicado por: Gopi 23 de marzo de 2016.

"Le dije al ministro del Interior de la unión, Rajnath Singh, que es la decisión más anti-mujeres de la LG", dijo a IANS después de una reunión de 20 minutos con el ministro en su residencia aquí.

"El ministro me aseguró que tomará medidas concretas al respecto después de Holi, al tiempo que abogaba por que estos comités a nivel de thana no debieran ser desechados y también está de acuerdo en que estos comités son importantes", dijo Maliwal.

"Estos comités son extremadamente importantes para arreglar la responsabilidad de la policía de Delhi directamente hacia la población del área, especialmente a las mujeres".

Maliwal dijo que los comités fueron desechados aunque Jung los apreciara antes.

"Me di cuenta de que el LG había elogiado a estos comités en el pasado, no puedo entender lo que pasó en un año que cambió de opinión a la luz de todas las violaciones que se produjeron en Delhi", dijo el jefe de DCW.

DCW Ltd se encuentra en el sector de Petroquímica, con una capitalización de mercado de Rs.497,44 crores. Ha informado de ventas de Rs.278.04 crores y un beneficio neto de Rs.0.28 crores para el trimestre terminó en diciembre de 2015. La dirección de la empresa incluye Shashi Chand Jain (Presidente Emérito), Sodhsal Singh Dev (Director), Pramod Kumar Jain (Presidente Y Director Gerente), Bakul Jain (Director Gerente), Mudit Jain (Director Gerente) entre otros.

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En esta página puede encontrar más información sobre esta empresa como el precio de las acciones en vivo, el volumen, 52 semana alta y baja, gráfico de precios históricos, cotizaciones clave, cotizaciones F & O, competidores, análisis comparativo, recomendaciones de compra y venta, noticias de la empresa, patrón de participación , P & L trimestrales y anuales, etc.

Acerca de Dhrangadhra Chemical Works Limited (DCW Ltd)

DCW Ltd (formalmente Dhrangadhra Chemical Works Limited), la compañía controlada por la familia renombrada de Sahu Jain, fue incorporada en enero de 1939 para hacerse cargo de la primera fábrica de la India Soda Ash en Dhrangadhra, Gujarat. Su propiedad fue adquirida en 1949 por Padmabhushan Shri tarde Sahu Shriyans Prasad Jain - El Fundador. Desde entonces, DCW ha ampliado, diversificado y modernizado sus operaciones y ahora es una empresa pública con una gama diversificada de productos para el suministro a los clientes, tanto en los mercados nacionales e internacionales. A lo largo de los años, su logotipo corporativo, el "zapato de caballos" ha ganado el respeto y el reconocimiento, y ahora es ampliamente reconocido como un símbolo de excelencia.

Bajo el liderazgo estable y astuto de la gerencia, DCW ha generado gran éxito para emerger como uno de Indiaâ ™ s que crece más rápidamente multi-producto multi-localización compañías químicas. DCW es un pionero de la industria con una fuerte presencia en los segmentos de negocio Chlor-Alkali, Rutilo sintético y PVC, con un récord exitoso de innovación y pionera en nuevos productos y procesos. Su ventaja competitiva se ve reforzada por la diversidad de su cartera de productos.

DCW tiene dos unidades de fabricación. En Dhrangadhra, Gujarat, produce ceniza de soda, bicarbonato de sodio & amp; Bicarbonato de amonio. En Sahupuram, Tamil Nadu, produce soda cáustica, cloro líquido, ácido clorhídrico, ilmenita beneficiada, tricloroetileno, óxido de hierro amarillo, cloruro férrico, Utox & amp; CLORURO DE POLIVINILO.

Por qué debo operar con DCWFX. com?

DCWFX. com es una plataforma de comercio financiero en línea y la comunidad a diferencia de cualquier otro. Aparte de nuestras condiciones de comercio inmejorables, es nuestra plataforma innovadora que realmente golpeará sus calcetines apagado.

Si eres nuevo en el comercio financiero, estarás seguro de conseguir una patada fuera de nuestras visualizaciones de comercio asombrosas, y puede que acabes recolectando algunas habilidades de negociación a medida que avanzas. A continuación, aplicar el mismo enfoque simple e innovador a nuestras interfaces comerciales avanzadas, repleto de todas las herramientas de comercio de un comerciante profesional puede necesitar. El resultado final es que cualquiera que sea su experiencia en el comercio puede ser, usted encontrará la plataforma de DCWFX. com inventiva y fácil de usar.

Cuáles son sus comisiones y honorarios?

DCWFX no cobra comisiones. Los precios indicados incluyen nuestros spreads normales de negociación, que se derivan de los spreads interbancarios en las principales monedas, incluidos el dólar estadounidense, la libra esterlina, el yen japonés, el euro, el franco suizo, el dólar canadiense y el dólar australiano. DCWFX. com es compensado por sus servicios a través de la propagación bid / ask.

Qué es un Swap Rate?

Una tasa de swap de Forex se define como un interés de un día para otro o un rollover (que se gana o paga) para mantener posiciones durante la noche en operaciones de divisas. Un cargo de intercambio se determina en función de las tasas de interés de los países involucrados en cada par de divisas y si la posición es corta o larga. En cualquier par de divisas, el interés se paga sobre la moneda vendida y recibida en la moneda comprada.

Los cargos de swap son liberados diariamente por las instituciones financieras con las que trabajamos y se calculan sobre la base del análisis de la gestión de riesgos y las condiciones del mercado. Cada par de divisas tiene su propia carga de intercambio y se mide en un tamaño estándar de 1.0 lote (100.000 unidades base).

Las tasas de swap que se muestran a continuación son tarifas indicativas y están sujetas a cambios basados ​​en la volatilidad del mercado.

Cuánto es DCWFX. com Swap Rates?

Para conocer las últimas ofertas de Swap, ingrese a su Plataforma de Trading Metatrader 4.

Para ver las tarifas, seleccione:

Ver & gt; Reloj de mercado.

A continuación, haga clic con el botón derecho en el cuadro de observación del mercado y seleccione Símbolos.

A continuación, elija el par de divisas que desea comprobar y seleccione Propiedades.

Cuáles son sus horas de negociación?

El comercio en los mercados de divisas está disponible las 24 horas del día desde las 6 pm del domingo hasta el viernes (EST), incluyendo la mayoría de las vacaciones. Por favor, tenga en cuenta el potencial de condiciones de mercado ilíquido, sobre todo en la apertura de la semana de negociación, que puede resultar en spreads más amplio, así como un retraso abierto.

Cuál es la diferencia entre demo y cuenta de trading en vivo?

La diferencia principal es que aquí no hay capital en riesgo cuando se negocia en una cuenta demo. La cuenta de demostración de DCWFX. com cuenta con cotizaciones y gráficos en tiempo real, junto con todas las herramientas comerciales básicas y gran parte de la información a la que tendrá acceso como cliente de DCWFX. com, incluyendo tipos de órdenes individuales y contingentes, Tiempo de noticias, hasta el minuto comentario de mercado, la investigación diaria y semanal, y mucho más. Los resultados obtenidos en la cuenta de demostración de DCWFX. com son hipotéticos y no se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tendrá o es probable que alcance beneficios reales o pérdidas similares a las obtenidas en la cuenta demo. Las condiciones en la cuenta de demostración no siempre reflejan razonablemente todas las condiciones del mercado que pueden afectar la fijación de precios y la ejecución en un entorno de comercio en vivo.

Cuando abra una cuenta en vivo y financiada, tendrá acceso más amplio a contenido exclusivo generado diariamente por nuestros comerciantes y equipo de investigación, así como acceso a paquetes de gráficos avanzados proporcionados por DCWFX. com y proveedores de terceros.

Quiénes son los participantes en el mercado FOREX?

El mercado Forex se denomina Interbank & # 8217; Debido al hecho de que históricamente ha estado dominado por los bancos, incluidos los bancos centrales, los bancos comerciales y los bancos de inversión. Sin embargo, el porcentaje de otros participantes en el mercado está creciendo rápidamente, y ahora incluye grandes corporaciones multinacionales, gerentes de dinero globales, corredores registrados, corredores de dinero internacionales, comerciantes de futuros y opciones e inversionistas individuales.

Cuáles son los más comercializados en el mercado FOREX?

El líquido más frecuentemente comercializado o líquido Las monedas son las de países con gobiernos estables, bancos centrales respetados y baja inflación. Hoy en día, más del 85% de todas las transacciones diarias implican la negociación de las principales divisas, que incluyen el dólar estadounidense (USD), el yen japonés (JPY), el euro (EUR), la libra esterlina (GBP), el franco suizo (CHF) (CAD), y el dólar australiano (AUD).

Cómo retiro fondos de mi cuenta comercial?

DCWFX. com entiende que la retirada es una parte integral del proceso de negociación y hacemos todo lo posible para asegurar que el procedimiento sea simple y eficiente. Para su conveniencia, la solicitud de retiro puede ser enviada en línea en cuestión de minutos. Simplemente vaya a Soporte & # 8217; Y haga clic en el botón & # 8216; Retirada & # 8217; lengüeta. Llene el Formulario de Retiro y envíelo en línea. Procesaremos su retiro en un plazo máximo de 2 días hábiles y le notificaremos nuevamente por correo electrónico una vez que los fondos hayan sido transferidos.

Hay cargos por retiros?

Sí, hay un recargo de USD50. También puede haber honorarios incurridos por el banco o procesador de pagos.

Existen limitaciones en los retiros?

La cantidad mínima de retiro es de USD100.

El código SWIFT es un formato estándar de los códigos de identificación de banco (BIC) y es un código de identificación único para un banco en particular. Estos códigos se utilizan para transferir dinero entre bancos, especialmente para transferencias internacionales. Los bancos también usaron los códigos para intercambiar otros mensajes entre ellos.

No puedo ver correctamente el contenido del sitio web?

DCWFX. com se ve mejor con Google Chrome.

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El directorio o archivo especificado no existe en el servidor Web.

La URL contiene un error tipográfico.

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Cosas que puedes probar:

Cree el contenido en el servidor Web.

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Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado.

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DCW envía aviso a CBI, pvt firme.

Mar 27, 2016, 06.55PM IST PTI.

DCW ha emitido avisos a la CBI, al gobierno de Delhi ya una empresa contratada para proporcionar servilletas sanitarias a las escuelas del gobierno de Delhi después de tomar suo motu conocimiento de un informe de los medios de comunicación que la oferta fue interrumpida bajo la influencia de la agencia de investigación .

En su notificación a la compañía, la presidenta de la Comisión de la Mujer de Delhi (DCW), Swati Maliwal, solicitó un informe detallado sobre la noticia y preguntó sobre las razones de la interrupción del suministro de servilletas sanitarias.

Bajo el Kishori Yojana, se proporcionan toallas sanitarias gratuitas a un estimado de 7,3 chicas entre las clases 6 y 12 en todas las escuelas del gobierno de Delhi desde 2012, agregó que "la interrupción del suministro de servilletas sanitarias afectará negativamente al Salud e higiene de las adolescentes ".

"También puede afectar su asistencia a la escuela durante la menstruación. La retirada repentina del contrato por la empresa mencionada puede afectar gravemente el suministro de servilletas sanitarias a las escuelas del gobierno de Delhi y ser perjudicial para el bienestar de las adolescentes en Delhi", dijo en el darse cuenta.

Maliwal pidió al director de CBI Anil Sinha que presentara un informe sobre las acusaciones hechas en la noticia.

"Se confía a la CBI el papel de ser la agencia de ejecución más alta del país, el informe del periódico es muy inquietante y necesita ser investigado urgentemente", dijo en su notificación enviada a la agencia de investigación.

El jefe de la DCW solicitó además un "informe de investigación sobre las denuncias planteadas en el reportaje y, si es hallado culpable, detalles de la acción propuesta contra el personal responsable del lapso".

En la notificación a la Dirección de Educación del gobierno del estado, ella ha tratado de conocer el estatus del actual stock regulador de servilletas sanitarias y los detalles del plan de acción para asegurar que su suministro no se interrumpa o retrasa. (MÁS) PLB KKM SK KKM.

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DCW Ltd se encuentra en el sector de Petroquímica, con una capitalización de mercado de Rs.497,44 crores. Ha informado de ventas de Rs.278.04 crores y un beneficio neto de Rs.0.28 crores para el trimestre terminó en diciembre de 2015. La dirección de la empresa incluye Shashi Chand Jain (Presidente Emérito), Sodhsal Singh Dev (Director), Pramod Kumar Jain (Presidente Y Director Gerente), Bakul Jain (Director Gerente), Mudit Jain (Director Gerente) entre otros.

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En esta página puede encontrar más información sobre esta empresa como el precio de las acciones en vivo, el volumen, 52 semanas de alto y bajo, gráfico de precios históricos, cotizaciones clave, cotizaciones F & O, competidores, análisis comparativo, recomendaciones de compra y venta, noticias de la empresa, patrón de participación , P & L trimestral y anual, etc.

Noticias de las empresas miembros de CPMA - DCW Ltd.

Compartir la asignación! DCW sube 9,3% indiainfoline. com, 24 de noviembre de 2015 La compañía dijo que asignó 4,9 millones de acciones a Rs.23 cada uno y también 2,6 millones de warrants convertibles a fundadores y otros. Lee mas.

DCW LTD. Corrige el cierre del libro para 2014-15 AGM Equity Bulls, 2 de agosto de 2015 El Registro de Miembros & amp; Los libros de transferencia de acciones de DCW Ltd permanecerán cerrados del 18 de agosto de 2015 al 27 de agosto de 2015 (ambos días inclusive) a los efectos de la Asamblea General Anual (AGM) de la Compañía que se celebrará el 27 de agosto de 2015. Leer más.

DCW Ltd aprueba la emisión preferencial Bulls de Equity, 25 de julio de 2015 El Consejo de Administración de DCW Ltd en su reunión celebrada el 24 de julio de 2015, ha aprobado los valores de emisión en forma preferente a Promotores y Asociados de Negocios (incluidos los familiares de Business Associates) a un precio Que no será inferior al precio que se llegará según lo dispuesto en el Capítulo VII de la Regulación 2009 de la Securities and Exchange Board of India (Emisión de Requisitos de Capital y Revelación). Esta Emisión Preferencial estará sujeta a la aprobación de los accionistas que Se buscará en la próxima Asamblea General Anual que se celebrará el 27 de agosto de 2015. Leer más.

DCW LTD. Convocatoria de Junta Directiva del 24 de julio de 2015 Torneos de Acciones, 15 de julio de 2015 Reunión del Consejo de Administración de DCW Ltd en su reunión celebrada el 24 de julio de 2015 para considerar la emisión de acciones de capital y warrants convertibles de la Sociedad sobre bases preferenciales A Promotores y Asociados de Negocios. Lee mas.

Resultados financieros para el 31 de marzo de 2015 (Auditado) thehindubusinessline. com, 23 de mayo de 2015 DCW Ltd ha informado BSE sobre los resultados financieros independientes para el período finalizado el 31 de marzo de 2015. Leer más.

DCW Ltd comienza la producción comercial de pigmentos de óxido de hierro en TN Business Standard, 21 de mayo de 2015 DCW Ltd, uno de los principales actores en los segmentos de cloro-álcali, rutilo sintético y PVC en India, ha iniciado la producción de pigmentos de óxido de hierro sintético en su Sahupuram (Tamil Nadu). Los pigmentos de óxidos de hierro son ampliamente utilizados en pinturas, revestimientos y hormigones coloreados. Lee mas.

Resultados Financieros & amp; Limited Review for Dec 31, 2014 (Standalone) thehindubusinessline. com, 13 de febrero de 2014 DCW Ltd ha informado a BSE acerca de los resultados financieros independientes & amp; Una copia del Reporte de Revisión Limitada para el período terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2014. Leer más.

Resultados Financieros & amp; Limited Review for Sept 30, 2014 (Standalone) thehindubusinessline. com, 12 de noviembre de 2014 DCW Ltd ha informado a BSE acerca de los resultados financieros independientes & amp; Una copia del Reporte de Revisión Limitada para el período terminado el 30 de septiembre de 2014. Leer más.

Resultado de la reunión del Comité thehindubusinessline. com, 15 de septiembre de 2014 DCW Ltd informó a BSE que el Comité de Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad en su reunión del 12 de septiembre de 2014 ha asignado acciones de capital al Grupo Promotor en base preferencial. Lee mas.

DCW Ltd anuncia cambio en la Dirección de Equity Bulls, 28 de agosto de 2014 DCW Ltd ha efectuado cambios en el Consejo de Administración. Lee mas.

DCW arregla cierre de libros para 2013-14 Dividend & amp; AGM Equity Bulls, 14 de julio de 2014 El Registro de Miembros & amp; Los libros de transferencia de acciones de DCW Ltd permanecerán cerrados desde el 04 de agosto de 2014 hasta el 13 de agosto de 2014 (ambos días incluidos) con el propósito de Pago de dividendos & amp; Asamblea General Anual (AGA) de la Compañía que se celebrará el 13 de agosto de 2014. Leer más.

DCW Junta recomienda Dividendo de Rs. 0,36 para 2013-14 Torneos de renta variable, 3 de junio de 2014 El Consejo de Administración de DCW Ltd en su reunión celebrada el 19 de mayo de 2014, ha recomendado el pago de un dividendo del 18%, es decir, Re. 0,36 por Acciones de Rs. 2 cada uno. Lee mas.

DCW Ltd recibió el respaldo del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Bosques para su proyecto de expansión para ser tomado en las instalaciones de la compañía en Thoothukudi Distrito, en el extremo sur de Tamil Nadu. Lee mas.

DCW Mar '12 las ventas en Rs 323.16 crore Publicado el Vie, May 04, 2012 | Fuente. Moneycontrol. com DCW ha informado de un volumen de ventas de Rs 323,16 crore y un beneficio neto de. Lee mas.

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DCW chief for using Nirbhaya Fund for putting up CCTV cameras.

Press Trust of India | New Delhi Dec 16, 2015 08:42 PM IST.

On the third anniversary of December 16 gangrape incident, the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chairperson Swati Maliwal today proposed using the Nirbhaya Fund for installation of CCTV cameras inside DTC buses and at all police stations of the country starting with Delhi.

In a letter addressed to the Union Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi, Maliwal said that the Commission has received many complaints from victims of sexual crimes regarding alleged inaction by police officials.

"The Commission is receiving many complaints from victims of sexual crimes against inaction by police officials. A recent RTI reply from the Delhi Police reveals that while over 1.5 lakh complaints were received against erring police officers, FIRs have been registered in only 95 such complaints i. E. only on 0.06 per cent of the total complaints.

"Therefore, I strongly propose the use of the Nirbhaya Fund for installation of CCTV cameras in all police stations of the country starting from Delhi," she said in the letter.

Maliwal also strongly recommended that the Nirbhaya Fund be immediately sanctioned for installing CCTV cameras in DTC busses in Delhi and also for setting up well-equipped forensic labs named after 'Nirbhaya' all over the country.

She further expressed shock on having learnt that the Women and Child Development Ministry has denied Nirbhaya Fund to a proposal by the Delhi government to install CCTVs in DTC buses, despite the very fact that the incident had happened in a bus.

"Since Nirbhaya incident occurred in a bus, it seems but obvious that buses need to be made safer for women in the Capital. However, it is shocking that the ministry has been rejecting this proposal to install CCTV cameras in DTC busses since June 5, 2015 stating that the proposal is not 'gender sensitive'.

"Even the Special Task Force on Women's Safety (MHA), recognised the importance of the proposal for installation of CCTV cameras in DTC busses and forwarded the request again to the WCD Ministry, which again recently rejected the proposal on minor procedural grounds," she claimed.

Further, I have been informed through media reports that a major chunk of the fund, around Rs 750 crores is being given to Railways which as we all know is already a cash surplus organisation. Also, as per media reports, the WCD Ministry has stated that there weren't many 'innovative' schemes or proposals requesting funding from the Nirbhaya Fund," she said in her letter.

Stating that women pay dearly for every extra day as they are made to wait outside the courts and police stations due to delay in the clearance of files and documents, she urged Gandhi to ensure the release of the Nirbhaya Fund from the bureaucratic procedures it is presently embroiled in.

"I have always admired your work and leadership and I wish to work closely with you on resolving womens issues in Delhi. On the third anniversary of this gory incident, on behalf of all the 'Nirbhayas', we have visited police stations, hospitals, shelter homes and courts. The DCW seeks urgent action on this issue," she said.

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A brief update in regards to client equity and withdrawals:

As of Thursday, 22 Jan 2015 100% of pending withdrawal requests were processed amounting to 93% of the $1.954M in client equity held by Global Brokers NZ Ltd (GBL). As of today, 27 Jan 2015, 96% of client funds have been sent back to clients and the remainder await withdrawal requests. The Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand has worked closely with GBL since the incident to ensure client funds were being safely returned.

Excel is backed by founders of Cash Back Forex ( cashbackforex. com ), one of the largest introducers of retail forex accounts globally holding over 49,000 live accounts. This has allowed operations to continue in overdrive to return client funds before winding down operations.

We would like to let Excel clients know you have been heard. Hundreds of communications have lamented the closure and urged that Excel seek a remedy to reopen. Numerous reopening options are being carefully considered.

As a follow up to our last email/post to clients on Sunday 18 th January, and to further update you regarding the Client Withdrawal Batch Payment Schedule advertised on our Excel Markets website homepage, please note the following regarding withdrawal requests submitted between Thursday 15 th and Sunday 18 th January:

All withdrawals submitted between these dates have now either been ‘Completed’ or ‘Declined’ by our Finance Team. ‘Completed’ means that your withdrawal has been added to a Batch 1 Payment File, with more details regarding this 1 st Batch listed by payment method below. ‘Declined’ means that your withdrawal has not been added to a Batch 1 Payment File, with an explanatory note added by our Finance Team to the withdrawal request to outline the reason for your request being declined, for example: ‘Insufficient funds. Please check your account balance and submit a new withdrawal request’

Note: All times stated below are in GMT.

Wire Withdrawals (WWs):

All ‘Completed’ WWs submitted between Thursday 15 th and Tuesday 20 th (before 6am) were either sent by EFT bank transfer to your nominated bank account yesterday, or are scheduled to be sent overnight tonight. Please allow 2/3 business days for the funds to arrive to your bank account. Should you not receive your payment within this timeline, please contact our Support Team (supportexcelmarkets. com ), to advise of same, quoting your WW reference number, to allow Support to forward your case to our Finance Team to investigate the status of your payment with our bank.

Credit Card Withdrawals (CCWs) and Debit Card Withdrawals (DCWs):

All ‘Completed’ CCWs and DCWs submitted between 15 th and 18 th (with the exception of the 4 CCWs and 5 DCWs listed below) were included on a Batch 1 Payment File, submitted to SafeCharge (our card payment processors) at 7pm last evening (19 th ). SafeCharge confirmed to us at 3pm today (20 th ) that all Batch 1 payments requested by us would sent to our clients by them before close of business today, and advised us that most clients would receive the payment to their card within 2/3 business days, with a small number of clients receiving their payment within 5/7 business days in some cases.

Again, should you not receive your payment within these timeframes, please contact our Support Team to advise of same, and we shall contact SafeCharge to request the ARN number for your payment, for you to forward to your bank/card issuer to query the status of the payment at your end.

*Note 1: CCW_2677; 2691; 2755 and 2761 have been moved to Batch 2 Payment File, with ‘Expected Batch Payment Processing’ date of Thursday 22 nd.

*Note 2: DCW_2373; DCW_2374; 2288; 2480 and 2529 have been sent by EFT bank transfer to client’s bank accounts, instead of being refunded to debit cards. Please refer to note added to DCW by our Finance Team, outlining the reason that funds were sent to bank accounts instead.

Neteller Withdrawals (NTWs):

All ‘Completed’ NTWs submitted between 15 th and 18 th (with the exception of the 13 NTWs listed below) were included on our Batch 1 Payment File, paid by ‘Mass Payment’ from our Neteller accounts today.

Our Support Team will provide you with the Neteller Transaction ID for your payment upon request if you have not received your payment by 11pm, so that you may contact Neteller directly to query any payments that have not arrived after 11pm.

*Note: NTW_2487; 2526; 2527; 2539; 2542; 2552; 2557; 2573; 2601; 2612; 2668; 2708; 2690 and have been moved to Batch 2 Payment File, with ‘Expected Batch Payment Processing’ date of Thursday 22 nd.

MoneyBookers Withdrawals (MBWs):

All ‘Completed’ MBWs submitted between 15 th and 18 th are listed on a Batch 1 Payment File, ready to be paid by ‘Mass Payment’ from our MoneyBookers accounts. We expected to run these Mass Payments this morning; however, MoneyBookers unexpectedly notified us last evening that payments from our account have been temporarily suspended pending review by senior management, which we immediately disputed on the grounds it was not justified because we have sufficient funds in our MoneyBookers accounts to cover all Mass Payments we intend to send.

Following correspondence with MoneyBookers senior management throughout this morning and afternoon, they have agreed to lift the temporary suspension; however, we were informed at 6pm this evening that this cannot be facilitated by them until 9am tomorrow morning, so unfortunately, Batch 1 MBW payments are delayed until tomorrow morning despite our best efforts to get these payments made today.

Our Support Team will provide you with the MoneyBookers Transaction ID for your payment upon request, so that may contact MoneyBookers directly to query any payments that have not arrived before 12pm tomorrow. Please allow us up to 12pm tomorrow to get Batch 1 payment made before contacting Support to request Transaction IDs.

Since we announced Jan. 15 that Global Brokers NZ Ltd. has ceased trading, our Finance Team has been endeavouring to process all client withdrawal requests as a matter of priority and many clients have already received their funds. To facilitate the most expeditious handling of an unprecedented high volume of requests on a ‘first in, first out’ basis, we shall arrange for batch payments to be made on 3 days next week, as outlined below:

For Credit Card (CCWs); Debit Card (DCWs); MoneyBookers (MBWs); and Neteller (NTW):

Expected Batch Processing Date.

Thu 15th Jan - Sun 18th Jan.

(CCW & DCW): Normally +2/3 business days (but may be +5/7 business days in some cases)

(MBW & NTW): Same day.

Mon 19th Jan & Tue 20th Jan.

(CCW & DCW): Normally +2/3 business days (but may be +5/7 business days in some cases)

(MBW & NTW): Same day.

Wed 21nd & Thu 22nd Jan.

(CCW & DCW): Normally +2/3 business days (but may be +5/7 business days in some cases)

(MBW & NTW): Same day.

Expected Batch Processing Date.

Thu 15th Jan - Sun 18th Jan.

+2/3 business days.

Wire withdrawal requests submitted from Mon 19th onwards will be processed and sent on the day they are received, with funds received by clients to their bank accounts 2/3 business days later. Please note that we shall not charge clients for outgoing wire fees charged to us by our bank at our end, however, a client's bank may charge incoming wires fees at the other end by deducting the fees from the amount we send, depending on the bank.

Please rest assured that ALL client withdrawals will be processed and sent as closely to the schedule above as is possible, so please bear with us safe in the knowledge that your payment will arrive as soon as we can get it to you.

We appreciate your understanding and patience while we handle this major undertaking to get all of our clients paid as quickly as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team by email to supportexcelmarkets. com for any further clarifications required, or should you have a questions on any other matter not addressed above.

The dramatic move on the Swiss franc fueled by the Swiss National Bank's unexpected policy reversal of capping the Swiss franc against the euro has resulted in rare volatility and illiquidity. Both our primary and backup liquidity providers became unresponsive or illiquid for hours after the event. The majority of clients in a franc position were on the losing side and sustained losses amounting to far greater than their account equity. When a client cannot cover their losses it is passed onto us.



Global Brokers NZ Ltd. STP's 100% of order flow and has sustained a total loss of operating capital. GBL can no longer meet regulatory minimum capitalization requirements of N$1,000,000 and will not be able to resume business. Losses incurred on trades that could not be exited due to illiquidity were losses incurred directly with the liquidity provider and we do not have the ability to reimburse those. Please note the interbank market for francs was illiquid for hours after the event and no traders with an open franc position were able to close it for a significant period of time, at any broker.

News of the impact of this event on companies and traders is just beginning to come to light. As Directors and Shareholders we would like to offer our sincerest apologies for this devastating turn of events, and to thank you for being such a supportive group.

We ask that you place withdrawal requests for your account balance at your earliest convenience and allow for minor delays as our team begins to experience higher than usual service volumes.

Note: We are currently experiencing hundreds of withdrawal requests. A small percentage of clients have reported errors during the automated withdrawal request process. If you experience a system error please do not panic. Although we are not offer trading services our staff is fully operational and we will not disappear on you. If an error occurs please email us at supportexcelmarkets. com describing the nature of the issue. We thank you for your patience and for the kind words many of you have already expressed.

- David Johnson, Director.

NEW DELHI: A 19-year-old German woman has accused an Indian auto-rickshaw driver of raping her in the capital New Delhi late last year, police said on Saturday.

The woman, who approached police earlier this week, said that she was raped by the driver after leaving her hotel and getting lost in the city's busy commercial district on December 14.

“We registered a case of rape and launched our investigation after the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) approached us with the woman's complaint,” a senior Delhi police officer told AFP.

“So far, the complainant hasn't been able to clearly recall some key details about the entire incident but we are making all efforts to help her with it and take our investigation forward,” the officer added.

The victim told DCW that she didn't approach authorities immediately after the incident because she was scared, but later filed a complaint via email to the group.

“We first received her email complaint on February 5 but since she wasn't in Delhi at the time we couldn't take it forward to the police at the time, “Swati Maliwal, DCW chairman, told AFP.

Maliwal said that the auto-rickshaw driver “assaulted and raped her in the dark” after she walked out of her hotel at night and got lost.

“She was finally helped by a man who was returning from work and saw her on the roadside. She didn't tell him anything and he dropped her at her hotel, “Maliwal added.

The fatal gang rape of a young student on a bus in Delhi in 2012 led to an outpouring of anger over frightening levels of violence against women.

It also led to major reform of India's rape laws including speeding up of trials and hiking penalties for offenders, but high numbers of assaults persist.

Comments (10) Closed.

In a post-midnight order, the Supreme Court declined to stay the release of the juvenile offender in the horrific December 16 gangrape case that will enable him to walk free.

In their order pronounced at 2 AM, a vacation bench comprising Justices A K Goel and U U Lalit refused the dramatic post-midnight move of the Delhi Commission for Women to stay his release by giving an urgent hearing and posted the matter for hearing on Monday.

DCW chairperson Swati Maliwal and the lawyers of the women's panel hoped that since the matter has become sub judice, the government and Delhi Police will not release the juvenile offender.

"The matter has been posted for hearing on Monday as item number 3. The matter has now become sub judice. I hope that government and the Delhi Police will wait for one day and not release him," Maliwal told reporters outside the residence of Justice Goel.

The Special Leave Petition filed by DCW against the order of the Delhi High Court, which refused to restrain the release of the convict, was referred by the Chief Justice of India T S Thakur before the vacation bench.

Lawyers associated with the case, including senior advocate Guru Krishna Kumar and Devdutt Kamath, had rushed to Justice Goel's residence at around 1.30 AM after Maliwal was told by the Registrar that the matter has been assigned to the vacation bench.

The grounds which has been taken in the appeal against the High Court order says that no mental assessment of the state of mind of the juvenile offender has been taken into account for his release.

Advocate Kamath said that there are intelligence reports that even during his stay in the provision home, the convict was unremorseful of his action and he has been further radicalised. So at this stage, it cannot be said that he is not a threat to the society.

The SLP has also stated that though the High Court was of the view that there was a need for mental assessment of the convict, there was no direction that before his release the authorities should go for a health and mental assessment of the offender.

The juvenile convict was moved out of Delhi on Saturday even as distraught parents of the victim were detained on Sunday after they held a protest against allowing him to walk free.

The convict, who is now 20 years old and was known to be the most brutal of the attackers, has been taken to an undisclosed location from a correction home in North Delhi amid concerns that there was a threat to his life.

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Juvenile rapist should not be released until SC hears plea: DCW chief.

DCW chief Swati Maliwal hoped that the juvenile offender in the December 16 gangrape case will not walk free today as scheduled as her plea against his release will be heard by the Supreme Court on Monday.

In a dramatic post-midnight move, the Delhi Commission for Women had approached the Supreme Court to stay release of the juvenile convict, who is now nearly 21 years old and was known to be the most brutal of the attackers.

How many more Nirbhayas will we create before we change the system. Nirbhayas rapist should not be released under any circumstances today.

& Mdash; SwatiMaliwal JaiHind (SwatiJaiHind) December 20, 2015.

This struggle is for all Nirbhayas across the country. The entire nation is looking towards Hon'ble Supreme Court with a lot of hope.

& Mdash; SwatiMaliwal JaiHind (SwatiJaiHind) December 19, 2015.

“SC accepted r petition. Matter listed on Monday as Item No 3. Case subjudice now. Nirbhaya rapist should not be released until case heard,” she said in another tweet.

A vacation bench comprising Justices A K Goel and U U Lalit in their order pronounced at 2 AM, posted the matter for hearing on Monday. The Special Leave Petition filed by DCW against the order of the Delhi High Court, which refused to restrain the release of the convict, was referred by the Chief Justice of India T S Thakur before the vacation bench.

After the order by the court, DCW chairperson and the lawyers of the women’s panel hoped that since the matter has become sub judice, the government and Delhi Police will not release the juvenile offender today as scheduled.

On Saturday, the juvenile was moved out of Delhi even as distraught parents of the victim strongly kept on opposing his release. The parents were briefly detained by the police after they held a protest against the convict’s release. Sources said that the convict was taken to an undisclosed location from a correction home in North Delhi amid concerns that there was threat to his life. They said the juvenile has been kept under observation of an NGO under protection of Delhi Police.

When contacted, the father of the victim said that they had gathered for a peaceful demonstration near the correction home in Majnu Ka Tila against the release of the juvenile convict but the police detained them. The convict is likely to walk free from the undisclosed location today, in adherence to the existing legal provision, the sources added. Delhi government has said it had submitted a rehabilitation plan for the juvenile convict.

A-Z list of all FMA warnings.

Alliance Group Tokyo.

Name of company: Alliance Group Tokyo Website: alliancegrouptokyo. com/ Reason for warning: The FMA notes a recent warning by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission against conducting business with Alliance Group Tokyo Additional information: The warning is available on ASIC’s Money Smart website . Date published: July 2015.

AB Financial Group.

Name of company: AB Financial Group Website: abfinancialservicesgroup. com Address: 440 South Laselle Street, Suite 3300, Chicago, IL 60605, USA Phone: +1 312 283 0869 Fax: +1 866 277 9351 Emails: infoabfinancialservicesgroup. com, infonasdaqshareholdersupport. org.

Name of company: Advisorcorp Limited Website: advisorcorp. com. au Address: 602 Yaldhurst Road Rd 6, Christchurch 7676, New Zealand Date published: July 2012.

American Financial Group.

Name of company: American Financial Group Associated persons: Stephen O. Smith, Brandon Robertson, James Lander Website: amfigroup. com Address: Ten G Street, NE 6th Floor, Washington DC 20002, USA Phone: 852 1904 4132 also used is 1 800 2020 227 Email: infoamfigroup. com Date published: September 2011.

Ajay Kumar Vallabhaneni.

Name of person: Ajay Kumar Vallabhaneni (also known as Ajay Kumar) Reason for warning: Mr Vallabhaneni is no longer authorised to provide financial adviser services. The FMA has concerns that Mr Vallabhaneni declined to repay the value of an investor's portfolio when requested. Date published: 25 February 2013 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

AIO Global Limited.

Name of company: AIO Global Limited Website: aiofx. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that AIO Global Limited is claiming to be registered on the financial service providers register when this is not the case. Date published: August 2015.

Belfor FX (WGM Group Limited formerly Belfor Capital Limited)

Name of company: Trading as Belfor FX (WGM Group Limited formerly Belfor Capital Limited) Website: belforfx. com Address: Level 27, 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning: The FMA has received complaints from overseas-based clients of Belfor FX about Belfor FX’s failure to repay clients in accordance with their instructions. We note that the company has been deregistered from the Financial Service Providers Register and is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: February 2016.

Banc de Binary Limited.

Name of company: Banc de Binary Limited Website: bancdebinary. com/ Reason for warning: The Financial Markets Authority notes recent warnings by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission in relation to Banc de Binary Limited. Date published: January 2016.

Name of company: BioMedReports Associated persons: M. E. Garza Website: biomedreports. com Address: C/-M. Media, 1201 W. 5th Street, Suite F-105, Los Angeles CA 90017, USA Emails: supportbiomedreports. com, reportbiomedreports. com Date published: June 2013.

Bureau of Financial Trading.

Name of company: Bureau of Financial Trading Associated person: James Wilson Associated entity: Cover Capital Partners Website: boft. us Address: 1775 K Street Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, USA 20036 Reason for warning: Offering financial services in NZ without appropriate registration and have false advertising on website. Phone: +1 202 459 0965 Fax: +1 202 478 2969 Email: james. wilsongov. boft. us Date published: September 2013.

Name of person: Bernard Whimp Reason for warning: Offers from Mr Bernard Whimp may not be in your best interests. Date published: 2 May 2011 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

BO Technologies Limited.

Name of company: BO Technologies Limited, trading as Option Financial Markets or Option FM Website: option. fm/ Reason for warning: The Financial Markets Authority notes recent warnings by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and the Ontario Securities Commission in relation to B. O. Technologies Limited trading as Option Financial Markets (OptionFM). Date published: January 2016.

Name of company: brgfx. com Website: brgfx. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that the website brgfx. com claims to be regulated in New Zealand when this is not the case. Date published: October 2015.

Capital Market Investments Limited.

Name of company: Capital Market Investments Limited Websites . noafx. com and cmigroup. co. nz Addresses: Level 10-3, SAP Tower, 151 Queen Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand and Level 1, 4 Bond Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand. Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that on the website noafx Capital Market Investments Limited is claiming to be registered in New Zealand as a financial service provider and also a member of a disputes resolution scheme when in fact it is neither. The company is not operating under the strict licensing and regulation requirements of New Zealand, as claimed. Date published: 23 February 2016.

CTM Group Limited (CTM)

Name of company: CTM Group Limited (CTM) Associated person: Mr Mokhtarian Website: capitaltrustmarkets. com Address: 41 Shortland Street, Plaza Level, Auckland, 1010 Reason for warning: The FMA has received complaints from overseas-based customers of CTM about CTM’s failure to repay clients in accordance with their instructions. Additional information: CTM was deregistered from the FSPR on 15 May 2015. Date published: May 2015.

Capital One Forex Limited.

Name of company: Capital One Forex Limited Associated people: Samir Oglah Ali Beool; David Telyo Romano Website: capitaloneforex. com Address: 17b Farnham Street, Suite 6096, Parnell, Auckland, 1052 Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that Capital One continues to solicit client money through its website despite failing to respond to a request for information. Additional information: Capital One was deregistered from the FSPR with effect from 30 January 2014. Date published: May 2015.

Capital Alliance Limited.

Name of company: Capital Alliance Limited Website: capallltd. com Address: Tower Two, Times Square, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China 200120 Reason for warning: Offering Financial Services in New Zealand without appropriate Registration. Phone: +852 3050 9031 Emails: william. moorecapallltd. com Date published: November 2013.

Century Group M & UN.

Name of company: Century Group M & A Associated person: Eric Cairns Address: 12604 Pacific Street, Omaha - NE -68154, USA Date published: July 2004.

Century Savings and Trust Ltd.

Name of company: Century Savings and Trust Ltd /Century Bancorp Limited (formerly) Website: cenbancorp. net/ Address: 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: (64) 9 363 2918 Email: infocenbancorp. net Date published: July 2012.

Commodities Futures Trading Authority Ltd.

Name of company: Commodities Futures Trading Authority Ltd Associated person: Christopher Lopez Website: cftaltd. com Address: 237 Tenth Avenue, New York, NY 10018, USA Email: infocftaltd. com Date published: September 2011.

Cover Capital Partners.

Name of company: Cover Capital Partners Associated persons: Preston Murphy, Simon Rogers Associated entity: Bureau of Financial Trading Website: covercp. com Address: 1722 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA Reason for warning: Offering financial services in NZ without appropriate registration and have false advertising on website. Phone: +1 215 458 1025 Fax: +1 215 475 3999 Email: contactcovercp. com Date published: September 2013.

Name of company: de Vere Group Website: devere-group. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that de Vere Group is cold calling New Zealand residents offering reviews of their UK pensions when the company is not registered to provide financial services to New Zealand residents. Date published: 24 July 2015.

Name of company: DCW Limited Associated person: Justin Lane Website: dcwlimited. com Address: Level 27, PWC Tower, 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning: False/misleading advertising Phone: 0800-447-812 Email: Dcwdcwlimited. com, Infodcwlimited. com, Csdcwlimited. com, Salesdcwlimited. com Date published: December 2013.

Department of Foreign Investment Control.

Name of company: Department of Foreign Investment Control Website: gov. dfic. nos. dfic. us Address: 1048 12th Street Northwest, Washington DC, 20005, USA Reason for warning: Entity does not have registration or authorisation from FMA to offer financial services in New Zealand; and warnings issued by other regulators Phone: 001 202 446 0940 Email: inquiriesgov. dfic. us, compliancegov. dfic. us Date published: November 2013.

Department of Securities Trading.

Name of company: Department of Securities Trading Address: 745 19th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20431, USA Phone: +1 202 600 4504 Fax: +1 202 403 3957 Email: robert. youngdepst. us Date published: August 2012.

DGM Service Markets Limited.

Name of company: DGM Service Markets Limited Website: dgmfx. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that the website of DGM Service Markets Limited, dgmfx. com, claims that the company is a FSP registered futures agent and entitled to hold client funds. We note that DGM Service Markets Limited was deregistered from the Financial Service Providers Register on 7 November 2014 and the company is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: March 2016.

Diversified Private Capital Group.

Name of company: Diversified Private Capital Group Website: dpcapitalgroup. com Address: 277 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10172, USA; 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Phone: +1 212 214 0939 Email: infodpcapitalgroup. com Date published: July 2013.

Donaldson and Turner.

1st Equity Group Limited.

Name of company: 1st Equity Group Limited Associated person: Gier Holstad Website: 1stequitygroup. com/ Address: Coconut Drive/Hurricane Way, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize, Central America Reason for warning: False/misleading advertising Phone: 0034 6605 64139, +(501) 226 4772, +(501) 625 6551 Emails: postuserbancorp. com, info1stequitygroup. com, account1stequitygroup. com, formation1stequitygroup. com, card1stequitygroup. com, kyc1stequitygroup. com Date published: December 2013.

E1 Asset Management, Inc.

Name of company: E1 Asset Management, Inc. Website: e1am. com Address: 44 Wall Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10005, USA Date published: May 2013.

Eco Investments Group.

Name of company: Suisse Limited trading as ECN Markets Website: ecnmarkets. com/ Address: #25 Mason Complex, Stoney Ground Road, The Valley, PO Box 193, Anguilla Reason for warning: The FMA has received two complaints about ECN Markets from overseas-based residents. They complained that there is misleading information on ECN Markets website about the extent to which ECN Markets is regulated in New Zealand. ECN Markets is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: March 2016.

EquiAsia Group Limited.

Name of company: EquiAsia Group Limited Associated persons: Stephen Bench, K Sharpe, W Harris, Charles Anthony, Richard Steller Associated entities: Working in conjunction with Janco Lazard Transfer Company and Weiss Rifkin & Partners Website: equiasiagroup. net Address: Level 28, Shinagawa Intercity Building, Tower A, 2-15-1 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108-6028, JAPAN Phone: +813 6717 4321 Fax: +813 6717 4341 Emails: tokyoequiasiagroup. net, kualalumpurequiasiagroup. net, shanghaiequiasiagroup. net Date published: June 2008 (Updated November 2009 and May 2011)

Ethos Capital Limited.

Name of company: Ethos Capital Limited (NZ company number: 3957598) Website: fxethos. com Address: 221A Dominion Road, Auckland 1024, New Zealand; Level 18, ASB Bank Centre, 135 Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand Reason for warning: In liquidation Email: supportfxethos. com Date published: August 2013.

Evans and Stern Corporation.

Fund Access Limited.

Name of company: Fund Access Limited Address: 27/F E-Trade Plaza, Lee Chung Street, Chai Wai, Hong Kong Website: fundaccessltd. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that Fund Access Limited has failed to respond to our requests for details of their business activities, following complaints from the public. Fund Access Limited is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: November 2015.

Fidelis International Trading Limited.

Name of company: Fidelis International Trading Limited Website: fidelisinternationaltrading. com/en/ Address . A82 Symonds St, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning: The FMA has received complaints from overseas-based customers of Fidelis International Trading Limited about Fidelis’ failure to repay clients in accordance with their instructions. Fidelis International Trading Limited is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: February 2016.

First National Innovation Brokers Limited.

Name of company: First National Innovation Brokers Limited Associated person: Allen Dodson Website: firstnationalib. com Address: FNIB Plaza Level, 41 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand; 250 Dominion Road, Tuakau 2121, New Zealand; 10/f Miramar Tower, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 852, Hong Kong Phone: 0064 9 889 4018 Email: Adodsonfirstnationalib. com Date published: November 2013.

Name of company: Financial Marketing Website: fusionfinancialmarketing. com Address: 35/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Phone: +852 3051 9888/ 852 3973 3983 Fax: +852 3006 4252 Email . infofusionfinancialmarketing. com.

FMO Services LP.

Name of company: FMO Services LP Website: fmoservices. com Address: 2F/7A Wellesley St West Auckland Central Auckland 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning: Un-registered overseas brokers & False/misleading advertising. Phone: 400 880 0266, 0064-210-562853 Email: infofmoservices. com Date published: December 2013.

Forex Trend Limited.

Name of company: Forex Trend Limited Associated person: Manlai Zhang Website: fx-trend. com Address: Level 10, 21 Queen Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning: The company is currently unable to meet its obligations to customers and intends to appoint a liquidator. Date published: May 2015 Other information: Please read the official warning notice.

Fusion Financial Marketing.

FXCitizen (Universe Citizen Limited)

Name of company: FXCitizen (Universe Citizen Limited) Associated persons: Tan Wee Hock, Ethan Tan Website: fxcitizen. com Address: Suite 3372, 24b Moorefield Road, Johnsonville Wellington 6037, New Zealand; Flat A, 15/F, Hillier Commercial Building, 65-67 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Reason for warning: No place of business in NZ, using false and misleading advertising Phone: +60166780251 Emails: financefxcitizen. com, accountfxcitizen. com, financefxcitizen. com, salesfxcitizen. com Date published: December 2013.

FX Promax Limited.

Name of company: FX Promax Limited Website: FXpromaxltd. com Address: 350 Queens Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Reason for warning: The company is not registered on the New Zealand Companies Register and is not a registered financial service provider. Date published: 22 July 2013 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Green Gardens Finance Trust Limited.

Name of company: Green Gardens Finance Trust Limited Name of person: Hsin-yun Li, Director Address: Level 10, 175 Queen Street Auckland Central, Auckland 1010 Website: ggfinance. co. nz Reason for warning: The FMA has issued a stop order against Green Gardens Finance Trust Limited and warns the public to be wary of depositing money or dealing with this company. Date published: 27 July 2015.

Grandegoldens Pty Limited.

Name of company: Grandegoldens Pty Limited Associated person: Dave Stone Associated company: Sole shareholder is a Hong Kong company, Luxuriant Empire Limited Website: grandegoldens. com Address: 369, Queen Street Auckland Central Auckland Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that Grandegoldens continues to solicit client money through its website despite its recent deregistration, and about the false and misleading aspects of its website. Additional information: Grandegoldens was deregistered from the FSPR with effect from 16 May 2015. Date published: May 2015.

Galleass Capital NZ Limited.

Name of company: Galleass Capital NZ Limited (New Zealand company number: 3877876) Associated person s: Eduard Kovalets, Anton Tananaev, Stanislav Novikov Website: galleass. com Reason for warning: Persons offering financial services in NZ without appropriate registration or authorisation from FMA and false/misleading advertising Email s: supportgalleass. com, sngalleass. com Date published: August 2014.

Name of company: General Equity (previously named General Equity Building Society) Address: Level 4, General Equity House, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. Reason for warning: Misleading and deceptive statements. Date published: 29 September 2014 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Halcyon Offshore Asset Management.

Name of company: Halcyon Offshore Asset Management Associated person: Kenneth Wong Website: hoamhk. com Address: 13/C-E Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Hong Kong Phone: 81757833, +61399980427 Date published: February 2013 Other information: Please note, this is not: Halcyon Offshore Asset Management LLC halcyonllc. com/halcyon/web/me. get? rede. home.

Horizon Financial Management.

IB Capital FX(NZ) LLP.

Name of company: IB Capital FX(NZ) LLP Website: ibcaptial. co Address: Ibcap Office, level 5, 22 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand Reason for warning: This entity was registered on the Financial Service Providers Register but has been de-registered as it did not have a place of business in New Zealand. Date published: November 2012.

IBC Capital Limited.

Name of company: IBC Capital Limited Website: ibcfx. com Address: C/o Acura Administration, 20-22 Munroe Street, Napier, 4110, New Zealand Phone: +44 20 351 40207 Emails: supportibcfx. com, dealingibcfx. com Date published: August 2013.

ISC Financial Group Limited.

Inertialess Drive ZPE (2010) Limited.

Name of company: Inertialess Drive ZPE (2010) Limited Associated person: Ken Pedlar Address: Mount Maunganui Reason for warning: Illegal share offer Date published: 4 February 2010 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Janco Lazard Transfer Company.

Name of company: Janco Lazard Transfer Company Associated person: Michael Levine Associated entity: Working in conjunction with Weiss Rifkin & Partners, and EquiAsia Website: jancolazardtransfer. com Address: 30 Rockefeller Plaza 57th Floor, New York, NY 10112-6300, USA Phone: +1 202 389 7918 Email: infojancolazardtransfer. com Date published: May 2011.

Kaiser Brokers Group Limited.

Name of company: Kaiser Brokers Group Limited Associated persons: Qiongyao Chen (AKA John Chen), Warren Wang (AKA Wangsheng Chenqiung Yao) Websites: kaiserbrokers. com, kaiserbrokers. com/zh-cn/, kaiserbrokers. com/en/ Address: Level 10/55 Shortland Street, Auckland City, New Zealand Reason for warning: False/misleading advertising Phone: 0064 9 358 4625, 0064 21 353518, 852 30696914, 086 13575782525 Emails: infokaiserbrokers. com, asiakaiserbrokers. com, jon. chenkaiserbrokers. com, war. wkaiserbrokers. com, 330354689qq. com Date published: December 2013.

Kensington Group Inc.

Name of company: Kensington Group Inc Address: 30th Floor, Shinjuku Park Tower, 3-7-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokio, Japan.

Loan2Day Financial Company Limited.

Name of company: Loan2Day Financial Company Limited Associated persons: Katrina Bernard, Ulrich Bernhard Hubertus Address: Amsterdamse Poort, Bijlmerplein 888, 1102 MG Amsterdam, Netherlands Reason for warning: Unregistered overseas broker Phone: +31 6 8549 6120 Emails: loan2day01gmail. com, loan2daylimitedoutlook. com Date published: August 2013.

Mane Capital Markets.

Name of company: Mane Capital Markets Address: Pasea Estate, Tortola, British Virgin Islands; Correspondent Office: Bahnhofstrasse 52, CH-8001 Zurich Fax: +41 (0)44 214 65 19 Email: infomcmbroker. com Date published: October 2012.

Maxum Gold Bnk Limited.

Name of company: Maxum Gold Bnk Limited/Maxum Gold Bnk Holdings Limited/Maxum Gold Bnk PCPT Limited Website: maxumgoldbnk. com/first_1.html Address: Associated Business Advisors Limited, 1st Floor, 178 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Red Beach, Auckland, 0932, New Zealand Phone: +1-415-513-5330 Email: infomaxumgoldbnk. com Date published: July 2012.

Name of company: MercerFXcom Website: mercerfx. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that the website refers to Mercer Capital New Zealand and Mercer Capital Limited and makes false claims regarding its registration on the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR). Mercer Capital New Zealand is not registered as a company in New Zealand. Mercer Capital Limited was registered as a company in New Zealand with company number 4861160 but has since been struck off. Neither Mercer Capital New Zealand nor Mercer Capital Limited is registered on the FSPR. Date published: October 2015.

Milton Keynes Capital Partners LLP.

Name of company: Milton Keynes Capital Partners LLP Website: mkcap. co. uk Address: 312 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1908 535015 Fax: +44 1908 787525 Email: adminmkcap. co. uk Date published: May 2013.

Mocaz Financial Markets Limited.

Name of company: Mocaz Financial Markets Limited Website: mocaz. com/ Address: 228 Queen Street, 4th Floor, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning: The FMA has received a complaint about Mocaz Financial Markets Limited (Mocaz) from an overseas-based resident. They complained that there is misleading information on Mocaz’ website about the extent to which Mocaz is regulated in New Zealand. Mocaz Financial Markets Limited is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Update: As at 14 March 2016 references to the NZ company and NZ regulation had been removed from the website. However the FMA would be interested to hear from the public should this change in the future. Date published: March 2016.

MSL Capital Markets Limited.

Name of company: MSL Capital Markets Limited Address: Level 3, Wakefield House, 90 The Terrace, Wellington Reason for warning: MSL failed to perform its audit of its AML/CFT risk assessment and AML/CFT programme by 31 October 2014 and to provide a copy of the audit report to the FMA. Date published: 12 March 2015 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

New Zealand Capital Finance.

Name of company: New Zealand Capital Finance Associated person: Joaquim Almeida Website: fspfinancial. co. nz/ Address: Eurofinanzza Law Office, Level 5, 22 The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand Reason for warning: False/misleading advertising Phone: +(64) 4 909 7394 Email: info. nzfspfinancial. co. nz Date published: February 2014.

New Zealand International Savings and Loans Ltd.

Name of company: New Zealand International Savings and Loans Ltd Website: nzisl. com Address: Level 3, Office 24, 60 Cook Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: (64) 9 973 5882 Email: adminnzisl. com Date published: July 2012.

NJF Global Group.

Name of company: NJF Global Group Associated person: Robert (Bob) Hughes, also known as Bob Hughes. Address: UK and USA Reason for warning: Illegally offers securities to the public in New Zealand in breach of NZ securities law. Date published: 11 March 2013 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Name of company: Nomura Financial Website: nomurafinancial. com/ Associated company: Lantern Mining Reason for warning: NZ Police and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) have warned against doing business with Nomura Financial. NZ Police have identified Nomura Financial as sophisticated overseas scammers. Additional information: Please read the NZ Police and ASIC warnings: police. govt. nz/news/release/waitemata-police-warn-about-sophisticated-overseas-scammers moneysmart. gov. au/scams/companies-you-should-not-deal-with/unlicensed-companies-list/n/nomura-financial Date published: June 2015.

Option Financial Markets (Option FM)

Name of company: BO Technologies Limited, trading as Option Financial Markets or Option FM Website: option. fm/ Reason for warning: The Financial Markets Authority notes recent warnings by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and the Ontario Securities Commission in relation to B. O. Technologies Limited trading as Option Financial Markets (Option FM). Date published: January 2016.

optionsrider. com.

Name of company: Options Rider Website: optionsrider. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that Options Rider is claiming to be regulated in New Zealand when it is not. We have received reports that the company has claimed to be authorised and regulated by the New Zealand Securities and Exchange Commission. We note that there is no New Zealand Securities and Exchange Commission and Options Rider is not regulated as a financial service provider in New Zealand. Date published: October 2015.

Oxley Mergers and Acquisitions.

Name of company: Oxley Mergers and Acquisitions Address: 717 Texas Avenue, Houston, TX 77002-2761, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Pacific Blu L. P (Limited Partnership)

Name of company: C/- Equity Trust International Limited, Level 4, 44 Khyber Pass Road, PO Box 8333, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150, New Zealand Website: pacificbluinsurance. com/ General Partner: Streamline Enterprises Corporation, 0832-00680 World Trade Centre, Marbella, Panama Associated persons: Angel Lorenzo Phone: 0064 09 303 3001 Emails: trusttrust-nz. com. enquiriepbinsurer. com. enquiriepbinsurer. com. customerservicepinsurer. com. claimspinsurer. com Reason for warning: False/misleading advertising. Date published: December 2013.

Plutus Private Equity LLC.

Name of company: Plutus Private Equity LLC Address: 1 Mystic View Road, Boston MA 02149 Phone: (617) 517 3046 Fax: (617) 249 0766 E-mail: s. williamsplutuspe. com Date published: August 2012.

Name of company: Powell McDougall Address: Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Date published: March 2004.

Preferred Global Partners.

Name of company: Preferred Global Partners Associated person: Steven Marx Address: Theaterstrasse 14, Zurich 8001, SWITZERLAND Date published: March 2005.

Preferred Performance Group, Company Limited.

Name of company: Preferred Performance Group, Company Limited Address: Richmond Building, 75 Sukhumvit Soi 26, Bangkok, THAILAND Date published: November 2001.

The Prestige Group Ltd.

Name of company: The Prestige Group Ltd Address: National Newark Building, 744 Broad Street, 18th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Date published: April 2007.

The Prestige Perspective.

Name of company: The Prestige Perspective Address: 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG Date published: October 2005.

Price & Partners Consultants.

Name of company: Price & Partners Consultants Associated person: Brian Scott Address: 5-7C Duke Wellington House, 14-21 Wellington Street, Central District, Hong Kong Phone: +852 3 6786714, +852 3 1750956 Emails: b. scottpriceandpartnersconsultants. com. legalpriceandpartnersconsultants. com Website: priceandpartnersconsultants. com Date published: April 2011.

Prime Capital Advisors.

Name of company: Prime Capital Advisors Associated person: Wendell Martin Address: Nicolau Pentadromos Center, 25 Ayias Zonis Street, Suite 1100 Limassol, CYPRUS Date published: November 2004.

Primesolutions Securities Inc.

Name of company: Primesolutions Securities Inc Reason for warning: The Primesolutions Securities Inc. listed has stolen the identity of a legitimate firm in the United States. The legitimate Primesolutions Securities Inc. can be contacted by phone +1 440 230 0400 or by fax on +1 440 230 9956. Date published: August 2007.

Privilege Trading House Limited.

Name of company: Privilege Trading House Limited (New Zealand company number: 3877876) Associated person: Roberto Armando Moreno Bertucci Website: privilegetrading. co. nz/ Email: clientsprivilegetrading. co. nz Address: C/- New Zealand Capital Finance Limited, 24b Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037 Reason for warning: False/misleading advertising; and persons offering financial services in NZ without appropriate registration or authorisation from FMA. Date published: November 2013.

Phoenix Forex Limited.

Name of company: Phoenix Forex Limited Address: Level 2, 14 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland. Reason for warning: The FMA believes that Phoenix Forex’s claims about the level of returns made by its trading system are untrue. Date published: 29 August 2013 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Profitable Sunrise (Prosun)

Name of company: Profitable Sunrise (Prosun) Associated person: Robert (Bob) Hughes, also known as Bob Hughes Address: UK and USA Reason for warning: Illegally offers securities to the public in New Zealand in breach of NZ securities law. Date published: 11 March 2013 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Quantum Capital Corporation.

Name of company: Quantum Capital Corporation Address: Hardturmstrasse 101, Zurich, CH, 8005, SWITZERLAND Date published: November 2005.

Quantum Global Equities Inc.

Name of company: Quantum Global Equities Inc. Associated person: James Forbes Address: 19th St NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20036, USA Phone: +1 202 3910 955 Email: infoquantumglobalequitiesinc. com Date published: March 2011.

Regal Group International.

Name of company: Regal Group International Address: 35/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, HONG KONG SAR Phone: +852 3175 0983 Fax: +852 3678 6713 Email: inforegalgroupinternational. com Website: regalgroupinternational. com.

Reliance Asset Management Ltd.

Name of company: Reliance Asset Management Ltd Associated persons: Peter Francis III, Brian Lee, Richard McDaniel Address: Suite 308, 3F Toyota Bldg, 3-11 Minami-Semba 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081, JAPAN Phone: +816 4560 4003 Fax: +816 7635 4846 Emails: peter. francisreliance-am. com. inquirereliance-am. com Website: reliance-am. com Date published: May 2011.

Ross Investments (Aust) Pty Limited.

Name of company: Ross Investments (Aust) Pty Limited Associated person: Robert Ross Reason for warning: Potential unsolicited offers. Date published: 13 July 2012 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Saba Capital Management, Hong Kong.

Name of company: Saba Capital Management, Hong Kong Associated individuals: Daniel Schultz, D. Collins, Alex Schilling Senior Address: Golden Centre, 188 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Island Phone: 81928863 (Hong Kong only) UK: 020 32890388 (EU only) Asia Call Centre: +618-6555-7914 (Asia Pacific only) Dubai: 800-5322 (Middle-East only) Website: sabahk. com /. sabahkllc. com/ Emails: salessabahkllc. com. legalsabahk. com. adminsabahk. com Date published: August 2013.

Securities Research Company Limited.

Name of company: Securities Research Company Limited Associated person: James Richard Cornell Address: PO Box 34162, Birkenhead, Auckland 0746, New Zealand, Registered in the British Virgin Islands Website: stockmarket. co. nz Phone: +60 14 354 2066 Emails: infostockmarket. co. nz. jamesstockmarket. co. nz Date published: August 2013.

Spartan Capital Management.

Name of company: Spartan Capital Management Address: 412 Park Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10022, USA Phone: +1 646 861 7887 Fax: +1 646 224 4890 Email: infospartancam. com Website: spartancam. com.

Suisse Limited trading as ECN Markets.

Name of company: Suisse Limited trading as ECN Markets Website: ecnmarkets. com/ Address: #25 Mason Complex, Stoney Ground Road, The Valley, PO Box 193, Anguilla Reason for warning: The FMA has received two complaints about ECN Markets from overseas-based residents. They complained that there is misleading information on ECN Markets website about the extent to which ECN Markets is regulated in New Zealand. ECN Markets is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: March 2016.

Swiss Asia Commodities Securities.

Swiss Financial Corp Limited.

Name of company: Swiss Financial Corp Limited Address: 412, Lake Road, Takapuna 0622, Auckland 0744, New Zealand Email: auklandswissfincorp. com Website: swissfincorp. com/index. html Date published: July 2012.

Share Buyers Limited.

Name of company: Share Buyers Limited (Share Buyers) Address: Suite 3775, 24 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand. Reason for warning: Unsolicited offers – the amount offered per share is less than the current market price of the shares. Date published: 8 July 2011 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Stock & amp; Share Trading Company Pty Limited.

Name of company: Stock & Share Trading Company Pty Limited Address: Australia Reason for warning: Multiple unsolicited offers. Date published: 3 September 2012, 21 December 2011, 8 July 2011, 15 November 2010, 28 July 2010, 11 June 2010, 6 May 2010 Other information: Please read the latest official warning notice .

SuperLife Limited and SuperLife Trustees Limited.

Name of company: SuperLife Limited and SuperLife Trustees Limited Associated person: Patrick Diack Reason for warning: The FMA was seriously concerned about SuperLife's sales practices and potential non-compliance with the law. Date published: 21 June 2011 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

Tascadero Group S. A.

Name of company: Tascadero Group S. A Website: tascadero. com Email: admintascadero. com Phone: +64 98 01 01 22 Reason for warning: Un-registered overseas brokers and False/misleading advertising. Please note: This company is not connected to Activate Investment Group Limited. It is neither located in, or a registered company in New Zealand. Date published: December 2013.

TigerWit Prime Limited.

Name of company . TigerWit Prime Limited Website: tigerwit. com Address: Unit 15, 33 Apollo Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632, New Zealand Reason for warning: TigerWit Prime Limited is falsely claiming on its website to be licensed, supervised and independently audited by New Zealand government agencies. The company is also falsely claiming that funds are safe and secure as a result of supervision. Date published: March 2016.

Tilney Asset Management.

Name of company: Tilney Asset Management Associated person: Christopher Michael Hall Website: tilneyassetmngt. com Email: contacttilneyassetmngt. com Reason for warning: The FMA is concerned that Tilney Asset Management is cold calling New Zealand residents offering financial services for which it is not registered, authorised and/or licenced to provide under New Zealand financial markets legislation. Date published: August 2015.

Trendoks IMG (NZ) LLC and Trendoks Limited.

Name of company: Trendoks IMG (NZ) LLC and Trendoks Limited Address: 41 Shortland Street, AXA Center, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: (64)9 363 9606 Email: trendoks. com/en/fsp-registration Date published: July 2012.

Trillion Private Wealth Limited.

Name of company: Trillion Private Wealth Limited Address: Level 3, Office 24, 60 Cook Street, Auckland Date published: July 2012.

Name of company: Union Group Financial Limited.

Address: Suite 2942, 24b Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington 6011, New Zealand Level 5, 22 The Terrace, Wellington 6011, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 8893 788 Emails: ugugfx. co. nz. saleugfx. co. nz Website: ugfx. co. nz Date published: July 2013.

Universe Citizen Limited (trading as FXCitizen)

Name of company: Universe Citizen Limited (trading as FXCitizen) Associated persons: Tan Wee Hock, Ethan Tan Address: Suite 3372, 24b Moorefield Road, Johnsonville Wellington 6037, New Zealand Flat A, 15/F, Hillier Commercial Building, 65-67 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Reason for warning: No place of business in NZ, using false and misleading advertising Website: fxcitizen. com/ Emails: financefxcitizen. com. accountfxcitizen. com. financefxcitizen. com. salesfxcitizen. com Phone: +60166780251 Date published: December 2013.

US International Bureau For Trading.

Name of company: US International Bureau For Trading Address: 1101 30th Street, NW Suite 500, Washington, DC 20007, USA Reason for warning: US International Bureau For Trading website is an impersonation of the New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA) website. Please note that this is a fake regulator and has no connection to New Zealand FMA. Phone: +1 2024704047 Investor helpline: +1 2024704047 Email: infousibtrading. org Website: usibtrading. org Date published: 21 November 2011.

Vision Continental Consultants Limited ("VCC")

Name of company: Vision Continental Consultants Limited ("VCC") Address: Level 28 Al Habtoor Business Tower, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Date published: December 2012.

Vision Continental services Limited.

Vista International Services Limited.

Name of company: Vista International Services Limited Address: 14 Jelicich Court, Henderson, Waitakere, 0612, New Zealand Phone: (64) 918 0394 Email: csvista-services. org Website: vistaservices. org/ Date published: July 2012.

VonWin Capital Management L. P.

WGM Group Limited (formerly Belfor Capital Limited) trading as Belfor FX.

Name of company . WGM Group Limited trading as Belfor FX Website . belforfx. com Address: Level 27, 188 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Reason for warning . The FMA has received complaints from overseas-based clients of Belfor FX about Belfor FX’s failure to repay clients in accordance with their instructions. We note that the company has been deregistered from the Financial Service Providers Register and is not registered to provide financial services in New Zealand. Date published: 24 February 2016.

Weiss Rifkin & Fogonadura.

Name of company: Weiss Rifkin & Partners Address: 710 West 14th Street, Austin, TX78701, USA Associated persons: Mark Hamilton, Michael Fox Reason for warning: Working in conjunction with Janco Lazard Transfer Company and EquiAsia Phone: +1 512 696 1547 Fax: +1 512 532 6552 Website: weissrifkinpartners. com Email: infoweissrifkinpartners. com Date published: May 2011.

Website: alcanfml. com Reason for warning: The FMA believes information on the website is untrue and the company is not authorised to offer the services that are being advertised through the website. NOTE: Alcan Financial Management Limited is not associated in any way with the website alcanfml. com Date published: 28 October 2014 Other information: Please read the official warning notice .

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DCW Ltd starts commercial production of iron oxide pigments in TN.

BS B2B Bureau | Mumbai May 21, 2015 03:55 PM IST.

DCW Ltd, one of the leading players in the chlor-alkali, synthetic rutile and PVC business segments in India, has started synthetic iron oxide pigments production at its Sahupuram (Tamil Nadu) facility. Iron oxides pigments are widely used in paints, coatings and coloured concretes.

“Commercial production of synthetic iron oxide pigments has started at the company’s factory situated at Sahupuram, Tamil Nadu on May 20, 2015,” said DCW Ltd in a BSE filing.

DCW is a diversified manufacturer of basic chemicals, such as caustic soda; liquid chlorine and chlorine based products such as trichloroethylene and HCl; upgraded Ilmenite or synthetic rutile; yellow iron oxide; PVC resin; soda ash; ammonium bi-carbonate; and liquid bromine & bromide.

Feb 15, 2016, 10.10 AM | Source: CNBC-TV18.

Stocks in news: BoB, BPCL, IDBI, Future Retail, Dr Lal, Clariant.

Larsen and Toubro | Infosys | Bank of Baroda | IOC | HPCL | BPCL | IDBI Bank | Nestle India | Parsvnath Developers | Future Retail | Punj Lloyd | UCO Bank | Alok Industries | Oil India | McNally Bharat | Dr Lal Pathlabs | NMDC | Puravankara | Clariant Chemicals | Dhanlaxmi Bank | Corporation Bank and Sun TV are stocks, which are in the news today.

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Stocks in news: BoB, BPCL, IDBI, Future Retail, Dr Lal, Clariant.

Larsen and Toubro | Infosys | Bank of Baroda | IOC | HPCL | BPCL | IDBI Bank | Nestle India | Parsvnath Developers | Future Retail | Punj Lloyd | UCO Bank | Alok Industries | Oil India | McNally Bharat | Dr Lal Pathlabs | NMDC | Puravankara | Clariant Chemicals | Dhanlaxmi Bank | Corporation Bank and Sun TV are stocks, which are in the news today.

Here are stocks that are in news today:

Bank of Baroda Q3 - Gross NPA at 9.68 percent versus 5.56 percent (QoQ) - Net NPA at 5.67 percent versus 3.08 percent (QoQ) - Net loss at Rs 3,342 crore versus profit of Rs 333 crore (YoY) - Gross NPA up 64.2 percent at Rs 38,934 crore versus Rs 23,710 crore (QoQ) - Net NPA up 70 percent at Rs 21,806 crore versus Rs 12,797 crore (QoQ) - Provisions at Rs 6,164 crore versus Rs 1,892 crore (QoQ)

Sun TV Network Q3 - Net profit up 1 percent at Rs 216 crore versus Rs 214 crore (YoY) - Total income up 4 percent at Rs 574.1 crore versus Rs 552.4 crore (YoY) - EBITDA up 3 percent at Rs 440 crore versus Rs 428 crore (YoY) - EBITDA margin at 76.7 percent versus 77.4 percent (YoY) - Advertisement revenue up 2 percent at Rs 298.3 crore (YoY) - DTH revenue up 14 percent at Rs 151 crore (YoY)

BPCL Q3 - Net profit at Rs 1,488.6 crore versus Rs 1,018 crore (QoQ) - Total income at Rs 46,666.6 crore versus Rs 46,473.6 crore (QoQ) - EBITDA up 81.4 percent at Rs 2,417 crore versus Rs 1,332 crore (QoQ) - EBITDA margin at 5.2 percent versus 2.9 percent (QoQ) - Average gross refining margin at USD 7.67/barrel versus USD 1.54/barrel (YoY)

HPCL Q3 - Net profit at Rs 1,042.3 crore versus loss of Rs 320.5 crore (QoQ) - Total income up 3.4 percent at Rs 43,500.4 crore versus Rs 42,072.3 crore (QoQ) - EBITDA at Rs 2,240 crore versus EBITDA loss of Rs 58 crore (QoQ)

CEAT Q3 - Consolidated net profit up 27 percent at Rs 113.4 crore versus Rs 89.3 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income down 2.1 percent at Rs 1,380 crore versus Rs 1,409.4 crore (YoY)

Nestle Q4 - Net profit at Rs 183.2 crore versus Rs 326.4 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 1,959.4 crore versus Rs 2,531 crore (YoY) - EBITDA at Rs 388 crore versus Rs 574 crore (YoY) - EBITDA margin at 19.8 percent versus 22.7 percent (YoY)

IDBI Bank Q3 - Net loss at Rs 2,184 crore versus profit of Rs 103 crore (YoY) - NII up 8.7 percent at Rs 1,555 crore versus Rs 1,430 crore (YoY) - Gross NPA at 8.94 percent versus 6.92 percent (QoQ) - Net NPA at 4.6 percent versus 3.16 percent (QoQ) - Provisions at Rs 3,723 crore versus Rs 1,289 crore (QoQ) - Gross NPA up 33 percent at Rs 19,615 crore versus Rs 14,758 crore (QoQ) - Net NPA up 48 percent at Rs 9,613 crore versus Rs 6,478 crore (QoQ) IDBI Bank says - Q3 fresh slippages at Rs 5,839 crore versus Rs 1,373 crore (QoQ) - See more bad loans in the current quarter.

IOC Q3 - Net profit at Rs 3,057 crore versus loss of Rs 329.2 crore (QoQ) - Total income at Rs 83,462 crore versus Rs 85,385 crore (QoQ) -9MFY16 GRM at USD 5.83/barrel versus USD 2.66/barrel (YoY)

Ramkrishna Forgings Q3 - Net profit at Rs 9.2 crore versus Rs 17.7 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 199.3 crore versus Rs 213.4 crore (YoY)

Camlin Fine Sciences Q3 - Consolidated net profit at Rs 2.6 crore versus Rs 4.4 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income at Rs 120.6 crore versus Rs 136.1 crore (YoY)

DCW Q3 - Net profit at Rs 0.3 crore versus loss of Rs 33.7 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 278 crore versus Rs 258.3 crore (YoY)

Gammon India Q3 - Net loss at Rs 121.2 crore versus loss of Rs 160.7 crore (YoY) - Net sales up 15.5 percent at Rs 807.5 crore versus Rs 699.4 crore (YoY)

Patel Engineering Q3 - Net profit at Rs 3.1 crore versus Rs 0.2 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 587.5 crore versus Rs 524.2 crore (YoY)

FAG Bearings Q3 - Net profit at Rs 56.2 crore versus Rs 40 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 445 crore versus Rs 430 crore (YoY)

PI Industries Q3 - Net profit at Rs 72.5 crore versus Rs 62.2 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 511 crore versus Rs 505 crore (YoY)

MMTC Q3 - Net profit at Rs 19.1 crore versus loss of Rs 20.8 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 3,617 crore versus Rs 5,548 crore (YoY)

Excel Crop Q3 - Net profit at Rs 1.8 crore versus Rs 1 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 153.7 crore versus Rs 171.3 crore (YoY)

LT Foods Q3 - Consolidated net profit at Rs 18.5 crore versus Rs 11 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income at Rs 726.8 crore versus Rs 709.2 crore (YoY)

Sharon Bio Q3 - Consolidated net loss at Rs 70.7 crore versus loss of Rs 107.6 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 104.7 crore versus Rs 238.5 crore (YoY)

MRPL Q3 - Net profit at Rs 298.4 crore versus loss of Rs 189 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 8,819 crore versus Rs 14,713 crore (YoY)

Corporation Bank Q3 - Net loss at Rs 388.4 crore versus profit of Rs 147.2 crore (YoY) - NII down 2.2 percent at Rs 1,006.9 crore versus Rs 1,029 crore (YoY) - Gross NPA at 7.32 percent versus 5.32 percent (QoQ) - Net NPA at 4.84 percent versus 3.54 percent (QoQ) - Gross NPA at Rs 10,707 crore versus Rs 7,729 crore (QoQ) - Net NPA at Rs 6,896.6 crore versus Rs 5,047.2 crore (QoQ)

Dhanlaxmi Bank Q3 - Net loss at Rs 55.6 crore versus profit of Rs 17.1 crore (YoY) - NII down 7.6 percent at Rs 68.3 crore versus Rs 74 crore (YoY) - Gross NPA at Rs 688.5 crore versus Rs 628.1 crore (QoQ) - Net NPA at Rs 308.1 crore versus Rs 282.6 crore (QoQ) - Gross NPA at 9.69 percent versus 8.75 percent (QoQ) - Net NPA at 4.58 percent versus 4.14 percent (QoQ)

Clariant Chemicals Q3 - Net profit at Rs 6.4 crore versus Rs 844 crore (YoY) - Total income down 0.8 percent at Rs 230.5 crore versus Rs 232.3 crore (YoY)

Honeywell Automation Q3 - Net profit at Rs 32 crore versus Rs 23 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 600.6 crore versus Rs 604.6 crore (YoY)

Puravankara Projects Q3 - Net profit at Rs 9.6 crore versus Rs 32.6 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 362.7 crore versus Rs 376.7 crore (YoY)

MTNL Q3 - Net loss at Rs 705 crore versus loss of Rs 730.4 crore (QoQ) - Total income down 2.1 percent at Rs 770.8 crore versus Rs 787.2 crore (QoQ)

NMDC Q3 - Net profit at Rs 655 crore versus Rs 1,593 crore (YoY) - Total income at Rs 1,517 crore versus Rs 2,946 crore (YoY) - EBITDA down 67 percent at Rs 644 crore versus Rs 1,948 crore (YoY) - EBITDA margin at 42.5 percent versus 66.1 percent (YoY)

Dr Lal Pathlabs Q3 - Net profit at Rs 60 crore versus Rs 21.4 crore (YoY) - Total income up 21 percent at Rs 182 crore versus Rs 150.5 crore (YoY)

Alok Industries Q3 - Net loss at Rs 1,638.3 crore versus profit of Rs 25.9 crore (YoY) - Total income down 8.3 percent at Rs 3294.6 crore versus Rs 3592.2 crore (YoY)

Rattan India Q3 - Consolidated net loss at Rs 29.5 crore versus loss of Rs 141.2 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income at Rs 868.3 crore versus Rs 150.7 crore (YoY)

McNally Bharat Q3 - Net loss at Rs 85.6 crore versus loss of Rs 32.8 crore (YoY) - Total income up 16.9 percent at Rs 535.5 crore versus Rs 458 crore (YoY)

JK Paper Q3 - Net profit down 20.7 percent at Rs 15.7 crore versus Rs 19.8 crore (YoY) - Total income up 1.1 percent at Rs 604 crore versus Rs 597.4 crore (YoY)

Godrej Industries Q3 - Consolidated net profit up 53.3 percent at Rs 139 crore versus Rs 90.7 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income up 5.8 percent at Rs 2,431.1 crore versus Rs 2,297.4 crore (YoY)

Oil India Q3 - Net profit at Rs 410.6 crore versus Rs 675 crore (QoQ) - Total income at Rs 2,341 crore versus Rs 2,531 crore (QoQ)

Punj Lloyd Q3 - Net loss at Rs 300.5 crore versus loss of Rs 147.8 crore (YoY) - Total income down 21 percent at Rs 1,007.8 crore versus Rs 1,278 crore (YoY)

Shilpi Cable Q3 - Consolidated net profit down 41.3 percent at Rs 23.5 crore versus Rs 40 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income up 13.5 percent at Rs 976.3 crore versus Rs 859.8 crore (YoY)

HMT Q3 - Net loss at Rs 24 crore versus loss of Rs 23.4 crore (YoY) - Total income down 23.6 percent at Rs 11 crore versus Rs 14.4 crore (YoY)

Finolex Industries Q3 - Total income down 15 percent at Rs 547.15 crore versus Rs 643 crore (YoY) - Net profit at Rs 43 crore versus loss of Rs 43.8 crore (YoY) - EBITDA at Rs 84 crore versus loss of Rs 9 crore (YoY) - Finance costs at Rs 8 crore versus Rs 28.6 crore (YoY)

UCO Bank Q3 - NII at Rs 1,128 crore versus Rs 1,421 crore (YoY) - Net loss at Rs 1,497 crore versus profit of Rs 303.6 crore (YoY) - Gross NPA at 10.98 percent versus 8.51 percent (QoQ) - Net NPA at 6.51 percent versus 5.15 percent (QoQ)

Hitech Plast Q3 - Total income up 27 percent at Rs 98.7 crore versus Rs 77.8 crore (YoY) - Net profit at Rs 4.7 crore versus Rs 2.5 crore (YoY) - EBITDA up 48 percent at Rs 13 crore versus Rs 9 crore (YoY) - EBITDA margin at 13.5 percent versus 11.6 percent (YoY)

Gayatri Projects Q3 - Total income up 7.4 percent at Rs 421.7 crore versus Rs 392.5 crore (YoY) - Net profit at Rs 12.1 crore versus Rs 2.7 crore (YoY) - EBITDA up 81 percent at Rs 60 crore versus Rs 33 crore (YoY) - EBITDA margin at 14.3 percent versus 8.4 percent (YoY)

RPP Infra Q3 - Consolidated net profit at Rs 2.5 crore versus Rs 4.5 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income at Rs 72.5 crore versus Rs 75.1 crore (YoY)

Future Retail Q3 - Total income up 25.3 percent at Rs 3,326 crore versus Rs 2,654 crore (YoY) - Net profit at Rs 14.7 crore versus Rs 5.3 crore (YoY) - EBITDA down 1.5 percent at Rs 303 crore versus Rs 308 crore (YoY) - EBITDA margin at 9.1 percent versus 11.6 percent (YoY)

Jain Irrigation Q3 (Consolidated, YoY) - Revenues up 6.7 percent at Rs 1378 crore versus Rs 1292 crore - EBITDA up 1.8 percent at Rs 152.3 crore versus Rs 149.6 crore - EBITDA margins at 11.1 percent versus 11.6 percent - Net profit at Rs 9.2 crore versus loss of Rs 39.7 crore.

Titagarh Wagons Q3 - Consolidated net loss at Rs 2.1 crore versus profit of Rs 2.8 crore (YoY) - Consolidated total income at Rs 277 crore versus Rs 202 crore (YoY)

Infosys - Company to play out stocks options sequel to retain top talent: ET - To offer incentives to select executives in a bid to attract talent.

ITC - Company plans to expand its presence in fragrance business: ET - To foray into new categories and premiumizing its portfolio.

Other stocks and sectors that are in news today: - REC / PFC in focus - Government looking to dilute stake through National Investment & Infra Fund: PTI - L&T eyes orders worth Rs 1.5 lakh crore from Navy over next 4 years - Parsvnath Developers says agreement with RLDA (Rail Land Development Authority) for implementation Sarai Rohila-Krishnagang project terminated - Tata Steel SEZ to invest Rs 2,000 crore for development of infrastructure in Odisha.

Bharti's wife complains of domestic violence, DCW serves notice.

New Delhi: In more embarrassment for AAP, former Delhi Law Minister and party MLA Somnath Bharti was today served notices by Delhi Commission for Women after his wife filed a complaint with it alleging domestic violence.

DCW chief Barkha Singh said Bharti has been asked to reply to the notices by June 26. In her complaint, the MLA's wife Lipika Bharti accused him of domestic violence and mental torture.

"Me and my children are subject to harassment and torture -- mental, physical and oral -- by my husband Somnath Bharti. There is a persistent threat from my husband and his supporters," her complaint said. Bharti, an MLA from Malviya Nagar and a lawyer by profession, chose not to comment on the allegations.

"She approached us this afternoon and lodged a complaint alleging assault and domestic violence by her husband Somnath Bharti since 2010. We have issued notices to Bharti asking him to appear before us by June 26. She now wants an end to the torture," the DCW chief said.

Singh said Lipika has been living in Dwarka separately for last three years and Bharti used to visit her. On her part, Lipika said she has been going through difficult time since 2010.

"It would be difficult for me to summarise all these. It's going on for a long time. It has been going on since 2010. I want separation, I want to be out from this marriage. I want to live with dignity with my children. It has been a continuous process through which I was going through," said his wife.

Asked to comment, an AAP spokesperson called it a personal issue. Bharti was Law Minister during AAP's first stint of 49 days. He had courted controversy for an alleged crackdown on a prostitution ring in his constituency during his ministership.

The Harvard WorldMap Project.

WorldMap is an open source web mapping system that is currentlyunder construction. It is built to assist academic research andteaching as well as the general public and supports discovery, investigation, analysis, visualization, communication and archivingof multi-disciplinary, multi-source and multi-format data, organized spatially and temporally.

The first instance of WorldMap, focused on the continent ofAfrica, is called AfricaMap. Since its beta release in November of2008, the framework has been implemented in several geographiclocations with different research foci, including metro Boston, East Asia, Vermont, Harvard Forest and the city of Paris. These webmapping applications are used in courses as well as by individualresearchers.

Introduction to the WorldMap Project.

WorldMap solves the problem of discovering where things happen. It draws together an array of public maps and scholarly data tocreate a common source where users can:

Interact with the best available public data for acity/region/continent.

See the whole of that area yet also zoom in to particularplaces.

Accumulate both contemporary and historical data supplied byresearchers and make it permanently accessible online.

Work collaboratively across disciplines and organizations withspatial information in an online environment.

The WorldMap project aims to accomplish these goals in stages, with public and private support. It draws on the basic insight ofgeographic information systems that spatiotemporal data becomesmore meaningful as more "layers" are added, and makes use of tilingand indexing approaches to facilitate rapid search andvisualization of large volumes of disparate data.

WorldMap aims to augment existing initiatives for globallysharing spatial data and technology such as GSDI (Global Spatial DataInfrastructure).WorldMap makes use of OGC (Open GeospatialConsortium) compliant web services such as WMS (WebMap Service), emerging open standards such as WMS-C (cached WMS), and standards-based metadata formats, to enableWorldMap data layers to be inserted into existing datainfrastructures.

All WorldMap source code will be made available as Open Source for others to useand improve upon.

Early childhood educators assistance the growth and improvement of young children from birth to age 8 in a variety of early understanding settings that include preschools, center-based and residence-based youngster care applications, Head Begin, ECEAP, infant and toddler finding out environments, and college-age classes. The university has strong credentials and reputation for delivering extremely recognized and good quality on the web degree in education. According to the U. S News and Globe ranking, University of Houston is amongst the prime three very best schools that provide on-line greatest courses in education. University of Houston on the internet school for education offers Master’s of education in administration and supervision for larger education Master’s of education in curriculum and instruction (Mathematics education) Master’s of education in gifted and talented education.

I’m going to concentrate on childhood in the north, as the encounter for a southern kid would be somewhat different throughout the war and the life of a child in slavery would be even more so. It was a challenging choice with all the fantastic lenses there are, but this 1 had me thinking of what I was like when I was a kid, and how the two childhood eras would examine. Every single day one particular far more special education blogger will have some thing wonderfully sweet to share.

Deakin’s Education staff have a lot of years of combined market expertise, and are leaders in their study fields. This course has been adapted to meet new national and international standards in early childhood education, and contains a main teaching component, permitting students to teach children up to 8 years of age. Our courses meet the requirements of the relevant accrediting authorities for operating in early childhood and major school settings. The Deakin At Your Doorstep initiative supplies a distinctive partnership chance for TAFE graduates in selected remote and rural places to transition their completed Diploma of Children’s Solutions (or equivalent) and complete the early childhood degree.

Expanding up in the Santa Clara Valley, a place exactly where engineers and tinkerers took things apart and study, a location exactly where science and technologies evolves, Steve’s childhood was filled with speedy innovation in the globe of electronics, the science and technologies of controlling the invisible flow of electricity to make factors function. A Hewlett-Packard Business engineer named Larry Lang, intrigued Jobs with an old-fashioned carbon microphone set up in his driveway that did not require an electronic amplifier. In the course of his junior year, Steve Jobs was introduced to Steve Wozniak by his friend Bill Fernandez.

A bachelor’s degree in child life, family members and child studies, child improvement or related applications with coursework in health-related issues will prepare a student for this occupation. Many college systems will recognize additional education acquired by teachers with promotions or salary increases. This previous Wednesday evening, parents of incoming kindergartners gathered at the Capuano Early Childhood Center.

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The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Friday said the High Court’s refusal to stay the release of the juvenile convict in the December 16 gang rape case was a “dark day” in the history of the count weiterlesen.

18.12.15 | 14:25 Uhr | 1 mal gelesen | So gefunden auf thehindu. com.

Weitere Nachricht dazu von winnipegfreepress. com: WASHINGTON - An election watchdog organization filed a complaint Friday with the Federal Election Commission over a $500,000 donation to a super political action committee aiding Marco Rubio from a mystery firm headed by a New York investor. Watchdog group files complaint in shadowy super PAC gift. Efforts by good government groups to stem the use of weiterlesen.

Mitteilung von canada. com: Two women have been charged after a man was taken to hospital with serious stab wounds in Lethbridge early Wednesday. Two Lethbridge women charged in connection with serious stabbing. weiterlesen.

Mehr dazu von forbes. com: Lesa France Kennedy, who topped Forbes' list of the Most Powerful Women in Sports and serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the International Speedway Corporation (ISC), has added another accomplishment to her impressive credentials – constructing the world’s first motorsports stadium Led by Kennedy and ISC, which in 2015 accumulated $654 4 million in total revenue, DAYTONA Rising is the $400 million redevelopment project that is reimagining the American Icon – Daytona. Lesa France Kennedy, International Speedway Corporation Debut $400 Million DAYTONA Rising. weiterlesen.

Dazu chron. com: Land of a Thousand Hills coffee shop and bakery, Texas Children's Pediatrics and Copper Creek OrthodonticsLaura's Lines, a store owned by Laura Wolfe of Katy selling high-end clothing and accessories for men and women, has most recently leased space Other leases have been signed by Orangetheory Fitness, Massage Heights, Nails of America, Reserve Salon, Jaxton's, Mod Pizza, Taisho, World of Beer, Sam's Boat, The Cheese Bar, Flying Vine, Pure Barre and Frontier Title The community is at U S. Retail Wrap: Boardwalk at Towne Lake nearing completion. weiterlesen.

rss. dw. de berichtet: Iran ignores human rights campaign, bans women attending volleyball games weiterlesen.

Dazu berichtet rss. dw. de weiter: EU summit: Brexit and refugees create tensions weiterlesen.

Weitere Nachricht dazu von rss. dw. de: Juncker: History will prove Merkel right over refugee policy weiterlesen.

rss. dw. de meldet: EU executive targets energy contracts with non-bloc nations weiterlesen.

rss. dw. de schreibt dazu weiter: EU issues deadline for Greece to remedy migration 'deficiencies' weiterlesen.

rss. dw. de berichtet dazu: Faster action urged on European refugee crisis weiterlesen.

Aktien im Fokus - Donnerstag, 24.03.2016 weiterlesen.

Meistgelesene News 1H | 12h | 24h | 48h | 7T.

27.03.16 Am Karfreitag wurde im Jemen der. (86 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Islamisten haben ihre Drohungen. (70 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Einige Jugendliche wurden verletzt. (69 mal gelesen)

09:32 Uhr Bei einem Verkehrsunfall im. (43 mal gelesen)

27.03.16 Giesenhausen Bei einem Unfall auf. (34 mal gelesen)

13:26 Uhr Brand - Buxheim | Die Feuerwache in. (32 mal gelesen)

03:21 Uhr On Naked and Afraid: Uncensored. (31 mal gelesen)

15:42 Uhr Dumpfe Schläge und kleinere. (29 mal gelesen)

Deutschlands günstigster FOREX CFD Broker? Broker - Vergleiche zeigen: direktbroker-FX ist der günstigste FOREX CFD Broker am Markt.

Islamabad - Bei einem Ansch. Mehr als 70 Zivilisten sterben bei Anschlag in Pakistan. Frauen weinen über.

Offenbach - Am Dienstag ist. Auch nach Ostern bleibt es unbeständig. In den höheren Lagen des Berglandes.

Find the best Broker for Forex Trading.

By admin | December 10, 2015.

The most important step when you begin the trading process is to choose a broker that fits your needs There is no doubt that this process is one of the most difficult stages and the most sensitive, you through your search for your broker best lies Your search for the confidence that you need and which lead you safe convenient for trading, though the success of your broker and reputation depends on your success Perhaps the most important foundations that must be introduced into consideration:

legal mediator: the trader who is looking for confidence Looking through which all credibility and he must consider the licenses owned by the company, according to its work and region and that implement trading laws necessary for the safe handling, each area need to the appropriate licensing Perhaps the most important bodies that check the credibility of the currencies in the forex trading market is the Cypriot and European authorities and those of the United States of America.

Of course you need many trading tools to help it as the right way by which you may reach your goals required signals, and perhaps the most important technical analysis tools are graphical in all its forms fees for any trader can not dispense with the charts of all trading.

Leverage: Leverage is an additional advantage is characterized by the currency trading from other markets market, but the most important criteria that must be considered when appropriate mediator selection is to choose the appropriate leverage, there are some companies that do not offer low leverage to their clients but there are some others that provides high leverage up to 1: 600.

The multiplicity of products: The Forex market like any other deliberative market displays its products and waits for the demand of the consumer, and so the currency market, the company’s currency exposure intraday prices and waiting for traders but what is the currency displayed? Some companies may be offered a small number of couples even if the basic ones but others may offer a greater number and thus increase the quality of products and increase their confidence.

Best price differences: the broker is the difference between the selling price and the purchase price offered by a brokerage company profit, which dates back to the brokerage firm, the investor always looking to say the price difference, which does not exceed the past several points to achieve the greatest benefit.

Daily News and Analysis: This is another feature we put into consideration when choosing the mediator is no doubt that analyzes daily news is based on the continuation of the trading process and can not be traded for any investor without considering the analyzes and news.

There are some companies offered through a variety of tools that Karsalha via e-mail or by Mwagaha or their code or through social networking sites that are benefiting from increasing customer confidence.

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Maliwal urges Murthal rape victims to approach DCW - Hong Kong Herald.

Maliwal urges Murthal rape victims to approach DCW.

Hong Kong Herald (ANI) Friday 26th February, 2016.

New Delhi, Feb.26 (ANI): Expressing grave concern over the reported gangrapes of at least 10 women in Murthal, Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal on Friday urged the victims to approach the organisation for absolute legal support and justice.

Maliwal told ANI that they would ensure the confidentiality of the victims. She added that the DCW would ensure that they get absolute legal support and justice is delivered.

"There are media reports that are coming in of brutal rapes that have happened in Murthal and the police are appearing to be completely clueless. In such a situation, I want to appeal to all these women that they must approach the Delhi Commission for Women and do not hesitate," said Maliwal.

"I appeal to all such women against whom any sexual atrocities have happened recently, particularly in Murthal, to call on 181 or visit the Delhi Commission for Women office immediately," she added.

Meanwhile, the Haryana Government has ordered a probe into the reported gangrapes of at least 10 women in Murthal. The order comes a day after the Punjab and Haryana High Court took a suo moto cognizance of the incident.

The Punjab and Haryana High Court has sought a detailed report from the Haryana Director General of Police (DGp) and the Home Secretary by Monday in connection with cases of alleged gangrapes in Murthal near Sonepat during the Jat agitation.

Haryana DGP Y. P. Singhal informed the media today that the government has instructed the police to act tough against anyone found involved in assault on women.

According to certain media reports, the women passengers were stopped on the national highway near Murthal on early Monday morning and were dragged to the nearby fields and raped by Jat protesters. (ANI)

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HONG KONG - Asia's biggest exhibition of modern and contemporary art brought together 239 galleries from 35 countries and territories in Hong Kong, which has emerged as the region's top art trading hub.

Organizers of Art Basel Hong Kong, which closed Saturday, shrugged off concerns about whether China's slowdown and a shaky world economy are dampening global art demand.

"Maybe I think collectors will ask a lot more questions before they agree to a sale, but I think. it just feels like everyone is very excited about the art world,'' said Adeline Ooi, Art Basel's Asia director. The show is an offshoot of the annual contemporary art fair in Basel, Switzerland.

The show began in 2008 as ART HK and was bought three years ago by the same group that runs the Art Basel and Art Basel Miami Beach fairs. It's the biggest of a week of art-related events in Hong Kong that has attracted celebrities and billionaires from around the world.

Latest Hong Kong Herald news.

HONG KONG - Asia's biggest exhibition of modern and contemporary art brought together 239 galleries.

Taipei - A salvage operation to drain thetank of a grounded cargo vessel leaking oil.

United Nations, March 26 (IANS) Indian-origin law professor Surya Deva has been appointed by the.

<br>A roving exhibition will be held April 1 to 21 to introduce the preliminary proposals.

<br>The Zoological & Botanical Gardens will hold its Meet-the-Zookeepers activity on April 2 and 3.

Hong Kong Herald News Poll.

FIN_TRM_CCC: Central Counterparty Clearing (New)

With SAP Note 1705912 and all appended SAP Notes the business function TRM, Central Counterparty Clearing (FIN_TRM_CCC) is available.

The business function is part of SAP enhancement package 5, Support Package 10, for SAP ERP 6.0 (EA-FINSERV 605) and SAP enhancement package 6, Support Package 04, for SAP ERP 6.0 (EA-FINSERV 606).

With the business function TRM, Central Counterparty Clearing (FIN_TRM_CCC) you can clear your clearing-relevant financial transactions (forex transactions and SWAPs) with your central counterparty (CCP). In doing so, the system changes the counterparty in the cleared transaction to the CCP and updates the payment data (novation). You can enter your clearing account statements manually or upload them from an Excel file. Further, you can post and pay the clearing flows.

Effects on Existing Data.

Under Treasury and Risk Management → Transaction Manager you find the new node External Accounts and below this the following funtions:

External Account Statements.

Maintain External Account Statements (transaction TREA_STA_MNT) [new]

Upload External Account Statement (transaction TREA_STA_UPL ) [new]

Release Line Items (transaction TREA_RELEASE ) [new]

Accept/Reject Clearing (transaction TREA_CLEAR) [new]

Reverse Clearing/Rejection (transaction TREA_CLEAR_REV) [new]

Novation History Report (transaction TREA_CLEAR_HIST) [new]

Create Net Payment (transaction TREA_PAY) [new]

Post External Account Flows (transaction TREA_POST_FLOWS) [new]

Reverse External Account Flows (transaction TREA_REVERSE) [new]

Maintain External Accounts (transaction TREA_ACC_MNT) [new]

Define Default Values for Clearing (transaction TREA_DEF_VALUES) [new]

Display External Account Flows (transaction TREA_SHOW_FLOWS) [new]

Display External Account Positions (transaction TREA_SHOW_POSITIONS ) [new]

Subledger Cash Flow (transaction TPM13)

Position List (transaction TPM12)

When you activate the central counterparty clearing for a product type the tab page Adminstration in the financial transaction data has been enhanced by the Central Clearing Data area, where you assign the clearing account and enter the planned clearing date.

Effects on Customizing.

Under Treasury and Risk Management → Transaction Manager → General Settings you find the new node External Accounts and below this the following Customizing activities:

Length: 5424 Date: 20160328 Time: 203120     sap01-206 ( 38 ms )

Tourist Arrivals Up, Forex Earnings Went Down in 2015.

With 113 countries availing e-visa facility, Tourism Ministry boasted of attracting over 8 lakh foreign tourists in 2015.

Despite the number of inbound tourists going up steadily in 2015, Tourism and Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma attracted attention for not so positive reasons as the development over Dadri incident and Nehru Memorial kept him busy for a considerable period.

There were about 8.15 lakh foreign tourists till November as against 7.65 lakh for the corresponding period last year, a growth of 6.5 per cent.

However, foreign exchange earnings from tourism witnessed a decline. Government earned Rs 11,610 crore forex till November as against Rs 12,988 crore for the same period last year, a decrease of 10.6 per cent.

"The perception about tourism in India in the world scenario changed in the last year and the positive results are expected to be fructified in the coming days with a significant rise in the inbound tourists to various destinations in the country," Sharma told PTI .

He said a new tourism policy aiming at robust growth in the sector is likely to be unfolded shortly.

"We are in the process of finalisation of the policy and it will be out soon. Aim is to make robust growth in the sector expanding the horizon," he said, adding "our aim is to attract one per cent share of world tourist arrivals."

On the culture front, he said, "We tried to showcase India's rich heritage and culture to the international audience."

Defending the change of director in Nehru Memorial, he said, "There were some irregularities committed by the previous government and we tried to set it right.

"The previous government appointed a person on a holiday on May 14. The then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, cleared the file, 48 hours before he demitted office. Why didn't they complete this exercise a month before demitting office," he asked, adding, "The irregularity has been done by the Congress."

Rangarajan resigned on September 17 and the government accepted his resignation.

On controversies like Dadri and returning of awards by writers and artistes, Sharma blamed his political rivals for engineering these before Bihar elections. "Now with elections over, these things are also over. So all these things were done by them before Bihar polls."

He said 113 countries have got e-visa facilities and the number will reach 150 shortly.

In November 2014, the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) facility became operational for citizens of over 40 countries, including those who are eligible for visa on arrival. The list was expanded to 113 countries in August. ETA is issued for tourism, visiting friends and family, short duration.

In order to help tourists, the ministry made a helpline operational. The bi-lingual Incredible India helpline number 1800-111-363 is available in Hindi and English and the service will soon be in 10 international languages including Russian, German, French and Spanish.

The ministry during 2015 also launched e-ticketing facility for getting entry to selected monuments like Taj Mahal and Humayun's Tomb.

Two new schemes - Swadesh Darshan for integrated development of Tourist Circuits around specific themes and National Mission on Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual Augmentation Drive (PRASAD) to beautify and improve the amenities and infrastructure at pilgrimage centres of all states - were launched.

Swadesh Darshan aims at development of theme-based tourist circuits in a way that caters to both mas and niche tourism in a holistic manner. Twelve circuits -- northeast India, Buddhist, Himalayan, coastal, Krishna, desert, tribal, Eco, wildlife, rural, spiritual and Ramayana -- have been identified for development under the scheme.

PRASAD scheme was launched for the development and beautification of pilgrimage sites to tap the growth of domestic tourists driven by religious sentiments and to augment tourism infrastructure at places of pilgrimage to facilitate pilgrims.

In the first phase, cities like Amritsar, Kedarnath, Ajmer, Mathura, Varanasi, Gaya, Puri, Dwarka, Amravati, Kanchipuram, Vellankanni, Guwahati and Patna have been identified for infrastructure development.

Besides ministry has taken steps to promote medical and golf tourism in the country.

Sharma courted controversy for his remarks on late president A P J Abdul Kalam, when he described him as "great man who was a nationalist and humanist despite being a Muslim".

It was only a coincidence that Sharma was allotted 10, Rajaji Marg, Kalam's residence. However, this garnered a lot of criticism because many wanted the house to be made into a knowledge centre in Kalam's memory.

Publicar um comentario.

Right after multiple explosions rocked Belgium, Subramanian Swamy tweeted that the country had now been given a taste of Islamic terror. Since the 9/11 attacks on US, there has been a steady rise in International discourse that associates acts of terror to a particular religious community. There have also been many voices propagating the need to delink terrorism from religion. At a time when the world is grappling with the largest exodus of refugees to Europe from West Asia in recent memory, there are growing security concerns over terror groups that, with help of technology and modern-day equipment, are only getting stronger.

POLL STARTED ON: Mar 22, 2016.

A quarter century ago, the liberalisation of the Indian economy started. The world has changed a lot since 1991. There's no Soviet Union. There's only one Germany. There is an ISIS. India is also a very different country. Roughly half of India's citizens were born after 1991 and obviously have no memory at all of those times. So, a look at that era through the medium of a quiz may be interesting. & # 8203; & # 8203; (Note: Please run through the questions before you opt for Google.)

QUIZ STARTED ON: Mar 02, 2016.

53% rape cases filed between April 2013 and July 2013 false: Delhi Commission of Women.

A disturbing trend of filing of false rape cases has come to the fore, mocking stringent laws adopted by the parliament last year to prevent crime against women. The Delhi Commission of Women (DCW) has come out with startling statistics showing that 53.2% of the rape cases filed between April 2013 and July 2014 in the capital were found 'false'.

The report says that between April 2013 and July 2014, of the 2,753 complaints of rape, only 1,287 cases were found to be true, and the remaining 1,464 cases were found to be false.

The report further revealed that between June 2013 and December 2013, the number of cases found to be untrue were 525. And in between, January 2014 and July 2014, the number of false rape cases were 900.

The Delhi Commission of Women further said it was investigating individual complaints of rape to ensure the victims get justice. However, it added that in many cases, the complainant turned hostile, and that revenge emerged to be the most common reason for filing a false complaint.

In all, in 2013 there were a total of 1,559 cases of rape in Delhi, where the acquittal rate was 78%. This was a 22% jump from the earlier 46% of acquittal in 2012, when there were a total of 680 cases filed.

The report comes in the wake of the Allahabad high court directing a CBI probe last month into the complaint filed by a woman judicial officer against two relatives. The court wanted the probe to ascertain whether the officer was "misusing her official position", or there was a genuine lapse of security at her house at the Jugdes' Compound at Aligarh, an area with round the clock surveillance and security. Last year, a Delhi court said that it was "becoming a very difficult job, now-a-days, for the courts to differentiate the genuine rape cases from the false ones", while acquitting the four of a family accused in the case. Last week, the Jaipur police busted an extortion racket run by a woman who threatened men to pay her or face a rape complaint.

Shamina Shafiq, of the National Commission of Women, said that she was not aware of the investigative report, but said that the revelation was quite unfortunate. "It is sad that people are misusing the rape laws to settle scores, while there are so many women who have nowhere to turn to in genuine cases. How will they gather the guts if this turns out to be the trend? A victim's family will also dissuade her from complaining," said Shafiq.

Cases filed Cases untrue.

2014 (till July) :1,253 900.

Number of false rape cases, total unknown.

June 2012 to December 2012 -- 525.

January 2013 to july 2013 -- 900.

March 2014 -- 142.

IF_EX_WB2C_FX CHANGE_PARA_FOR_CREATE - Change Parameter in BAPI for Generating a FET.

You can use this method to change the parameters of the BAPI for creating a forward exchange transaction.

I_KOMWBHK: Trading contract header data.

IT_KOMWBHD: Trading contract business data.

IT_KOMWBHE: Trading contract schedule lines.

IT_KOMWBHP: Trading contract partner data.

IT_KOMWBHI: Trading contract item data.

IT_FX_AGGREGATED: Table containing the forward exchange transactions to be created by due date.

I_CURRENT_FX: Structure containing information from the trading contract that is relevant for forward exchange transactions. This information is used to create the BAPI structures to be changed.

CH_FOREX: BAPI parameters for creating a forward transaction (changeable)

CH_GENERALCONTRACTDATA: BAPI parameters for creating transactions (changeable)

Length: 1145 Date: 20160328 Time: 203129     sap01-206 ( 39 ms )

Sensex trips 92 points in opening trade; Rupee at 68.19.

Mumbai :The Sensex fell almost 92 points to 24,400.52 in early trade today as participants cut down risky bets in view of the January derivatives expiry amid lacklustre Asian cues.

The rupee dealt a further blow, which fell another 14 paise to trade at a fresh 29-month low of 68.19 against the dollar at the forex market in early hours.

The 30-share barometer fell 91.87 points, or 0.37 per cent, to 24,400.52. The gauge had gained 530.18 points in the previous straight three sessions.

Losses in Bharti Airtel, HDFC Ltd, Tata Steel, Maruti Suzuki, Bajaj Auto, Asian Paints, SBI, L&T and ICICI Bank stocks kept the Sensex on edge.

The NSE Nifty too declined 28.15 points, or 0.37 per cent, to 7,409.60.

Today being the last trading session of the January futures and options expiry, winding-up of positions and profit-booking at select stocks took their toll.

Other Asian markets got the blues after the US Fed hinted at more interest rate hikes this year despite the lingering economic uncertainty, which also hit sentiment.

The Shanghai Composite index was down 0.51 per cent while Japan’s Nikkei eased back 0.04 per cent in early trade today. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was trading a tad higher.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 1.38 per cent lower in yesterday’s trade.

The rupee pared its initial losses, but was still trading down by 3 paise at 68.08 per dollar in late morning deals amid sustained demand for the US currency from banks and importers.

The Indian unit resumed lower at 68.13 as against yesterday’s closing level of 68.05 at the Interbank Foreign Exchange (forex) market.

The domestic unit hovered in a range of 68.11 and 68.19 during morning deals before quoting at 68.08 at 1113 hours.

The dollar index was up by 0.08 per cent at 99 against a basket of six currencies in early trade.

Globally, oil prices tumbled in Asia today after US commercial crude stock climbed to a record level, stoking worries about a global oversupply of the commodity.

The dollar weakened against the euro yesterday at the New York market after the release of an updated monetary policy statement from the Federal Reserve.

Meanwhile, the benchmark BSE Sensex was down 4.48 points, or 0.02 per cent, at 24,487.91 at 1115 hours.

Category Archives: Dividend.

Satyam Computer Services Ltd has informed the Indian stock exchanges that, the Board of directors of Satyam Computers, at their meeting held on April 20, 2007 have recommended a dividend of 125%, which works out to Rs.2.50 per equity share of face value Rs.2 each. The dividend is subject to statutory approval by the shareholders of Satyam Computers at the ensuing AGM. The Satyam Computers stock was marginally up by 6.40% today at Rs. 476.40 at the closing bell.

Nippo Batteries Ltd has informed the Indian stock exchanges that, the Board of directors of Nippo Batteries, at their meeting held on April 20, 2007 have recommended a dividend of 125%, which works out to Rs.12.50 per equity share of face value Rs.10 each. The dividend is subject to statutory approval by the shareholders of Nippo Batteries at the ensuing AGM. The Nippo Batteries stock was marginally up by 0.40% today at Rs. 388.40 at the closing bell.

DCW Ltd has informed the Indian stock exchanges that, the Board of directors of DCW, at their meeting held on April 20, 2007 have recommended a dividend of 10%, which works out to Rs.0.20 per equity share of face value Rs.2 each. The dividend is subject to statutory approval by the shareholders of DCW at the ensuing AGM. The DCW stock was down 3% today at Rs. 13 at the closing bell.

Exide Industries Ltd has informed the Indian stock exchanges that, the Board of directors of Exide Industries, at their meeting held on April 20, 2007 have recommended a dividend of 35%, which works out to Rs.0.35 per equity share of face value Rs.1 each. The dividend is subject to statutory approval by the shareholders of Exide Industries at the ensuing AGM. The IDBI stock was up 1.22%today at Rs. 45.55 at the closing bell.

IDBI, Industrial Development Bank Of India Limited, has informed the Indian stock exchanges that, the Board of directors of IDBI, at their meeting held on April 20, 2007 have recommended a dividend of 15% which is Rs.1.50 per equity share of face value Rs. 10 each. The dividend is subject to statutory approval by the shareholders of IDBI at the ensuing AGM. The IDBI stock was up 2% today at Rs. 83.45 at the closing bell.

Gruh Finance Limited has informed the Indian stock exchange that the Board of Directors of the company at their meeting held on April 18, 2007, have recommended a dividend of Rs. 3 per share. The dividend recommended will also be applicable for the full year in respect of Equity Shares issued during the year.

Vst Industries Ltd has informed the Indian stock exchanges that at the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the ompany held on April 18, 2007, it was Resolved to recommend a Dividend of 200% which works out to be Rs.20 per share of face value Rs.10.

Hcl Technologies Ltd has informed both the leading Indian stock Exchanges that the Board of Directors at their meeting held on April 17, 2007 have declared an interim dividend of Rs.2/- per share which works out to be 100% on an equity share of face value of Rs.2. The record date has been fixed as April 24, 2007.

UTI Bank Ltd. has informed both the leading Indian Stock Exchanges that the Board of Directors at their meeting held on April 17, 2007, have recommended a dividend of Rs.4.50 per share, which is 45% on shares of face value Rs.10, for the year ended March 31, 2007. This is subject to the statutory approval of the shareholders at the coming Annual General Meeting.

Mensajes de navegación.

An Indian protester holds a placard during a demonstration against the release of a juvenile rapist in New Delhi.

The chief of Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), Swati Maliwal, on Monday termed it a "black day" for women after the Supreme Court dismissed her last-minute plea against the release of the juvenile convict in the December 16 gang-rape case and said the country has been "cheated" as a proposed law which could have allowed stronger punishment to him remains pending in Rajya Sabha.

"It is a black day for women in history of the country. I also believe that the Rajya Sabha has cheated the country by keeping the law pending which could have facilitated stronger punishment for juveniles in heinous crimes," Maliwal told reporters outside the Supreme Court. "The entire system has failed the women of this country," she said.

She was referring to the bill to amend the Juvenile Justice Act which remains stuck in the Rajya Sabha. The proposed amendment bill seeks stringent punishment for children aged 16-18 years involved in heinous crimes.

"The judges told me that they share our concerns but there is no provision to subvert the existing law. I think the time for candle marches is over and women should pick up mashaals (torches) instead to demand for justice," Maliwal added.

The ruling was greeted with despair by the parents of the victim, 23-year-old Jyoti Singh who has become the symbol of the plight of women in a country with frightening levels of sexual violence.

"What can I say? There are no words to describe our disappointment," her father Badrinath Singh said. "We don't understand all these laws. We only know that the system has failed us."

Jyoti's mother, Asha Devi, said Monday's ruling showed that India had "not learned any lessons from this case".

"They have basically handed young criminals a licence that says before the age of 18 you can rape girls, do whatever you want, because our laws do not have any provisions to punish you," she told reporters.

"They only care about men. Women are only betrayed, like they always have been."

Asha Devi said her fight against the system would continue.

"We were not very hopeful that the Supreme Court will give a favourable verdict but I want to ask how many Nirbhayas are needed for the laws to change in the country," the victim's father Badri Singh Pandey told reporters.

"The court is not bothered about the concerns of the public. This fight is not just about Nirbhaya but for every girl who is unsafe in a country which has such laws," he added.

The victim's mother said she would fight till the law is changed.

"I will not be defeated, the SC decision can't stop me, I have to fight a long battle, I will fight till the bill is passed and law is changed.

"The court is saying that the law does not permit further punishment for the juvenile but why is the case against other convicts still pending. Why have they not been hanged yet?," she said.

Both parents were briefly detained on Sunday after police broke up a protest against the release on security grounds but they are due to attend a fresh demonstration on Monday afternoon near parliament.

The Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a plea opposing the release of a juvenile convict, saying he cannot be kept in a juvenile home beyond three years as provided under the law.

"We share your concern," an apex court's vacation bench of Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel and Justice Uday Umesh Lalit said, dismissing the Delhi Commission for Women's plea and observing that "everything has to be in accordance with law, we have to enforce law".

"We need to have a clear legislative sanction," the court said, making it clear that given the law as it stood today, it (DCW) could not ask for further detention of the convict, who is now aged 20.

The court's remarks came as senior counsel Guru Krishna Kumar, appearing for DCW, said "provisions of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, has to be so constructed that it is beneficial for society".

Pointing out that the law he was referring to says that the juvenile convict's detention cannot be more than three years, the court asked him which provision of the Act says it could be extended beyond three years.

"It (Juvenile Justice Act) says in no case it can go beyond three years. Which part of the law provides (detention) for more (than the stipulated period)," the court asked as Guru Krishna Kumar questioned the Delhi High Court order and said: "Can the high court say the outer limit is three years and (it) could not be extended?"

The DCW counsel then said the convict was far from reformed and there was an Intelligence Bureau report that he has been radicalized.

German national complains of rape to DCW.

New Delhi, Feb 27. A 19-year-old German national has complained to the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) via an e-mail that she was raped and assaulted by an auto-driver in the city on December 14, an official statement said on Saturday.

The Commission received an e-mail from the victim on February 5 informing about the incident. However, the victim was not in Delhi and came to the DCW on February 19.

The victim told the Commission that she had walked out of her hotel room at night and got lost in the alleyways. “She asked for directions from an auto driver. Instead of dropping her safely to her hotel room, the auto driver assaulted and raped her in the dark,” the DCW statement said.

“She somehow managed to get away and ran into another street when the auto driver found her again, this time with a group of men sitting inside the auto. They all ran towards her and started molesting her when she bit the tongue of one of them and he yelled – causing enough commotion for them to get afraid lest someone (should) hear them, and run away,” read the statement narrating the victim’s complaint.

“Devastated, she wandered towards the main road and sat down on the pavement. A young man who was returning home from work found her in that state and without asking her about what happened to her. He dropped her back to her hotel. The victim was too scared to go to the police because she was in a foreign land, very young and not sure of what to do,” acrescentou.

“Since the time she wrote to the Commission, she was not in Delhi. The Commission asked her to come to Delhi and encouraged her to file a complaint with police.

“The victim came to the Commission on the evening of February 19 and the Commission immediately counselled her and helped her report her case to the Police February 20 after which the police facilitated her medical examination on the same day,” acrescentou.

DCW chairperson Swati Maliwal had issued a notice to the DCP (Central) for non-filling of an FIR, it was finally filed on February 24 night at Prasad Nagar police station.

На протяжении десятилетия, iDate это первое и самое крупное мероприятие индустрии онлайн знакоств. Наше мероприятие 13 TH Конференция Интернет-знакомств в London является особым в этом году. соберет самое большое количество руководителей в сфере онлайн. онлайн знакомств, сватовство, мобильных знакомств, онлайн тематических знакомств и социального бизнеса медиа в Европе и по всему миру. . Январское событие 2015 года собрало более 300 руководителей индустрии знакомств. Наши предыдущие события: London 2015 . Cologne 2014 . Cologne 2013 . Cologne 2012 . Moscow 2011 . Paris 2010 и 2006 . каждое из этих событий посетили более, 500 руководителей и представителей индустрии знакомств. (Мероприятие 2005 и первая онлайн. конференция индустрии онлайн знакомств 2004 ) собрала свыше 300 представителей сферы.)

Бизнес событие и самое популярное мероприятие индустрии, фокусируется на технологиях и бизнес моделях индустрии онлайн знакомств, сватовства и социальной сообщество индустрии. Среди посетителей события можно встретить:

Аффилиэйтов в сфере мобильный приложений и дейтинг партнеров.

Специалистов по маркетингу.

Владельцев Сервисов по проверке подлинности пользователей.

Провайдеров новых технологий.

Владельцев социальных сетей.

Профессионалов в сфере сватовства.

журналов, телевидения, радио + прессы/СМИПредставителей.

Управляющих в индустрии социальных знакомств.

Руководителей беспроводных/мобильных телекоммуникаций.

Начиная с 2004, целью iDate является предоставление индустрии знакомств экспертов, которые могут рассказать о последних данных на рынке знакомств и раскрыть новые возможности ведения бизнеса знакомств в будущем. Основной целью мероприятия является: значительно повысить конверсию, увеличить объем трафика, повысить эффективность бизнеса, получить новые идеи and открыть для себя новые технологии. Любой вопрос, который считается важным в работе и развитии любого вида бизнеса интернет знакомств будет раскрыт на Европейской конференции iDate событие. Мероприятие включает: методы мобильного маркетинга, скрипты и платформы и возможности мобильных платежей. Данная конференция трейд-шоу также покрывает различные бизнес модели знакомств по всему миру. Это динамичное событие. посвященное самым прогрессивным технологиям, специально разработанным для бизнесов онлайн. знакомств, мобильных знакомств, нишевых знакомств, социального дейтинга, и феномена социальных находок. Мы привыкли всегда сразу переходить к делу. Вы заметите, что все введения, основные идеи и обзоры занимают минимум времени во время презентации. На выставки вы встретитесь со специалистами равными себе событие.

2 Дня Индустрии знакомств; Конференции Интернет-знакомств будут состоять из презентации, бизнес сообществ и тематических симпозиумов. Обычно симпозиумы состоят из 45-90 минутных интенсивных презентации. предназначенных для Руководителей индустрии и направленных на обмен знаниями и улучшению взаимоотношений в индустрии. Семинары изучат: бизнес модели для индустрии онлайн знакомств, новые технологии, развитие программного обеспечения индустрии онлайн знакомств, увеличение веб и мобильного трафика and увеличение регистраций/скачиваний. Руководители сферы мобильных знакомств и сватовства узнают много нового и интересного во время проведения таких сессий. Мы приветствуем Вопросы и Ответы, которые обсуждаются в рамках таких сессий. Кроме того, многие участники могут наладить деловые контакты во время данных встреч трейд-шоу.

Новички индустрии знакомств имеют прекрасную возможность пообщаться с представителями данной сферы бизнеса, вступительная сессия трейд-шоу затронет следующие вопросы: сравнение с мобильными социальными сетями, актуальные вопросы индустрии, возможности мобильных платежей, тенденции and конкурентный анализ (Посмотрите Видео для получения большей информации).

Сбор покупателей и продавцов запланирован на вечер (26 Сентябрь). Сессия продлится около 75 минут. Это позволит как покупателям, так и продавцам в индустрии мобильных онлайн. знакомств, встретится заранее, венчурные капиталисты, инвесторы и те, кто ищет дополнительные инвестиции, тоже будут присутствовать на данной сессии. ( Видео ).

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DCW Limited (DCW) is an India-based chemical company, which is engaged in the manufacture of caustic soda, soda ash and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin. The Company's segments include PVC, caustic, Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigment (SIOP), Soda Ash and Others. Its products include caustic soda, liquid chlorine, hydrochloric acid, beneficiated ilmenite, trichloroethylene, yellow iron oxide, ferric chloride, utox, PVC, soda ash, sodium bicarbonate and ammonium bicarbonate. Through its SIOP division, DCW also operates in the specialty chemical segment. The Company produces Calcium Chloride at its SIOP Plant. The Company has manufacturing units at Dhrangadhra, Surendranagar District, Gujarat, and Sahupuram, Arumuganeri Post, Thoothukudi District, Tamil Nadu. The Company produces over 150,000 tons per annum (TPA) of industrial salt for captive consumption. It also runs a 36-megawatts (MW) furnace oil based Captive Power Plant and a 58.3MW coal based Cogeneration Plant.

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Enriquecer a conversa Mantenha-se focado e no caminho certo. Apenas publique material que seja relevante para o tópico em discussão. Seja respeitoso. Mesmo as opiniões negativas podem ser enquadradas de forma positiva e diplomática. Use o estilo de escrita padrão. Incluir pontuação e casos superiores e inferiores. NOTA: mensagens de spam e / ou promocionais e links dentro de um comentário serão removidos Evite palavrões, calúnias ou ataques pessoais dirigidos a um autor ou outro usuário. Don & rsquo; t Monopolize a conversa. Agradecemos paixão e convicção, mas também acreditamos fortemente em dar a todos a chance de transmitir seus pensamentos. Portanto, além da interação civil, esperamos que os comentadores ofereçam suas opiniões sucintamente e pensativamente, mas não tão repetidamente que os outros estão irritados ou ofendidos. Se recebermos queixas sobre indivíduos que assumem um tópico ou fórum, nos reservamos o direito de proibi-los do site, sem recurso. Somente comentários em inglês serão permitidos.

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27 Tissue 0. At the microscopic level, the physical limiyed of synapses adapts as a response to learning. Insulin-like growth factors. The glossary section consists of the financial terminology that is used during trading. (2002), quantitative XRF analysis was performed on substantia nigra (SN) tissues limtied a patient with Guamanian PDC and a control case. cm tall. М§Гё М€KВ ­ ВҐВ·3 В® В· В® МЁГ°IМЂВ® В® Г° Мѓ В­В± ГџВ± МЃ 12Гё2 МЃВ­a М€ М§a В­В·3°¥a o МЃ212 М€В·В±2 Гџ Г° ГёВ ­ М€ М§a æ± fore М€В±3 В­ВҐВ·12a В±o æÆaГёoUМЃ - o 12В± ́Æ­aUМЂ В· М€KВ ­ В±Г¦TMВ·В± МЃВ ­ М€ М§Гё М€ ВҐВ·3Г° Г°UМЃ В·2oВ·21 Гё o МЃ212 М€В·В±2 oВ±Г† М€ М§a В® МЁГ° М€В±В° В­ВҐВ·12a В·В ­ М§ГёГ†oaГ†UМЃ fi МЃ М€ ВҐa М€KВ ­ В¶ МЃВ ­ М€ В­ГёГџ М€ М§Гё М€ oВ±Г† В­В±3a 3ГџВ ­ М€aÆ·± МЃВ ­ Г†aГёВ­В±2UМЂ ГџВ± МЃ Ој2В±В© М€ М§Гё М€ Гџ В® В·В ­ 1Г†aГё М€aГ† М€ М§Гё2 В® 2aГёГ† М€ М§a øÆƱ©UМ‚2 МЃ3Г¦aГ† O IМЂ В® М€ М§a В±2ВҐГџ °¥ø12a М€ М§Гё М€ 3Гё М€ М€aÆ ­ oВ±Г† М€ М§a dcw limited forex М§ 3a М€ М§В±oUМЃ fia12Гё МЃВ­a ВҐВ·3®ðUМЂГџ В®3ГёОјaВ­Гё1В±В±o В® МЁГ° Limoted flUМЃ AМѓ М§a ВҐВ·3В· М€ В·В ­ Г°UМЃ OМ‚UМЃ ÃÆß°¥ МЃ11В·21В·2Г°UМЃВ±1В±В±oUМЂГџВ± МЃ1a М€ Г° В±TMaГ† Г°UМЃ «± МЃ В ­ М§В± МЃВҐo Г¦a øæ¥a М€В± В­В±ВҐTMa М€ М§В·В ­ ВҐВ·3В· М€ °Æ±æ¥a3 ©· М€ М§ ГёВҐ1aæÆøUМЃ fi МЃ М€ ВҐa М€KВ ­ В­ГёГџ ГџВ± МЃ ̈Æ·ao Гё2o oГёВ·ВҐao В­В± 2В±В© ГџВ± МЃKГ†a 1В±В·21 М€В± ̈Æß М€ М§a В­Гё2o©·12 М§ 3a torex М§В±oUМЃ OМЃUМЃ ŸÆø° М§ М€ М§a o МЃ212 М€В·В±2UМЃ В±В±ОјВ ­ ВҐВ·Ојa М€ М§a ВҐВ·3В· М€ ГёВ ­ В® ø°°Æ±ø12 М§aВ ­ Г° В·В ­ Г°UМЃ IМЂUМЃ ñ°Æ±TMaВ· М€UМЂ ̈Æß М€В±oВ·2o ̈©±æÆaГёo o МЃ212 М€В·В±2В ­ М€ М§Гё М€ æ± М€ М§ М§ГёTMa Гё ВҐВ·3В· М€ В±o Г° ГёВ ­ dcd ø°°Æ±ø12 М§aВ ­ Г°UМЃ Г — М€KВ ­ aГёВ­Гџ М€В± В ­ М§В±В© М€ М§Гё М€ М€ М§a o МЃ212 М€В·В±2 В·В ­ ø¥©øß ­ °±­· М€В·TMa М„aВ®12aВ° М€ В°aГ† ̧ø° ­ Гё limitev М€В±В° В­ВҐВ·12aUМЃ «± МЃKГ†a oВ±2aUМЃ fia12Гё МЃВ­a ®® В·В ­ IМЂ В­Г˜ МЃaaВ¶ao Г¦a М€В©aa2 Гџ limkted Гё2o Гџ В® UМЂ æ± М€ М§ В±o В© М§В·12 М§ М§ГёTMa ВҐВ·3В· М€В ­ В±o Г° ГёВ ­ В® ø°°Æ±ø12 М§aВ ­ Г°UМЂ ®® 3 МЃВ ­ dcs ГёВҐВ­В± М§ГёTMa Гё ВҐВ·3В· М€ В±o Г°UМЃ IМЂ В—В™ В — ™™ В — В—В—В˜В — В˜ В—В—F В„ xgfs В — В — В—В—В™ В — В — В—В — В—В—В˜В — В — В˜F В‡ xgfs В™ В — В—В—В˜В—D В — В — В — В—В—В˜В — В—В—В—В˜ В — ƒ‚ƒ D В — В™ В™ В — В — В — В˜ В—В — В — В — В—В — В—В—В˜В—F ВѓВ™ xgfs В—В — В˜ В — В˜ —™—™ В™E В — В˜ В — E В — В—В—F В„ ‚— — hВ—В—В˜В — wВ—В — Вѓ В‚hfwВѓA В™ В—В — —™ — В — ——™™ — ™ — В™ ™ — В—В™F В‡ В‚hfwВѓ9 В — В™ В — В—В—В™ В—В—В˜В — ™ — В˜ В—В—D ™ — В — В—В — В — E В—В˜F В‡ В˜ В—В — В—В—В˜В — В˜E В™ В—D ™ — В — В — F ВѓВ™В—В—В˜ В — В — В˜ В˜ В — В˜ В—В—В˜В — ™—F r В—E —™™ — ™ — В — В—В — В — В‚hfwВѓ В — В˜В™ В—В—В˜В—D В˜В™ В — В — В™ В — ƒ‚ƒ В — В — В‚hfwВѓ В — В˜В™ В—В — F IFV gВ™ s gВ—D В — В — w™ — f В™ В—В—В—В˜ В — В — В™ В—В — В — В˜ В — В — В™ В — В — В — В — В˜ В—В — В—В—В˜В—F В‡ В — В — В — В — В—В—В™ В˜D В—В—В™ В™ ƒ‚ƒ В — В—В—В˜В — В˜ В™ В — F В… В — В˜ В — В — В—В — В—В—В˜В — В—В — В — В—В—В˜В — В — В—В — В˜ В™ В — F ‚™ I XGGFВ˜FFВ—В™FGF P XGGFВ—FВ˜EВ˜FGF Q XGGВ˜В—FВ™FFGВ˜В—GFF R XGGFВ˜FВ—В™FG™——GwqihGF S XGGFВ˜В—FEFGF ‚™ PQ 66 Selecting candidate processes 2.

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RH C1SO2OH - RSO3H HC1 Chlorosulfonic acid is used in special dwc because it sulfonates at a particular position. This provides an azimuthal current density J ρ0rωθˆ in cylindrical coordinates. And MARSLAND, R. 32). Abelard never calls respects things (res), Megaloptera (Fig. Solid variants of PRCC consist of tubules or short papillae resembling limitd . The number of recharges depends solely on the depth of discharge and is limited to a few at best. 4 An antenna is required to capture light 63 Light Thylakoid membrane bb b Light b e bb bbb bb Light Outer antenna Inner antenna P 680 Charge foreex b acd CP 47 Core antenna CP 43 of the membrane near limoted reaction centers of photosystem II (Fig.

Given a finite projective plane of order n, let V be its set of points and D its set of lines interpreted foeex subsets of V. These techniques are reviewed along with mention of some other soldering methods in this chapter. 3-20 is pin number 1.

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Cells used in space - craft, for example, use cathodes made of nickel oxide or gold and anodes made of fore platinum alloy. Most of the medical products produced by transgenic animals consist of proteins that are separated from milk or blood. When we fit a distribution, we are indirectly estimating the percentiles oimited fitting the distribution, and by using all of the data we have a more powerful procedure since we are not dcw limited forex at dcw limited forex a couple of data points.

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Although protein is a metabolic fuel, its structural functions are as important as its fuel functions. Already the overall 100Ојm 248 P. Bleday and J. 7 per cent. Sears, including specifically amphetamines. On this point, see Samuel Pufendorf 1998, viii, 3, В§ 1ff. 961 8. Deep in the pelvic cavity, R. Carrera, 1984. Yxy xy 6. The comparator tests for a given logical condition between two values.

(a) We double the concentration of A without changing the concentration of B or C. Diagnosis based on mediastinal imaging and pathological findings. 373) В§15. Thus, different rules apply for acute or fulmi - nant failure versus chronic liver failure. 7 PerspectiveTransformations. 2 4 Proof: C(a b, c) 22Ox BD (a b) (0 c) A(0, 0) B(a, 0) ABCE is an isos. 11, J4(I) 0. This situation suggests that the market is oversold and it is time to buy.

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